Part 11

i'm itching to find out just what our culprit was thinking while she was doing her stuff in the original loops!!
so last time we left off after it was dramatically and also predictably revealed that ji hengsheng was S the whole time apparently!
oh good i just finished doing the thing i was doing
and was looking for something else to do
let's DO THIS


At the end of the Tour of Time, it was Wu Shi's corpse that was waiting for me.

"Such a major accident as this, it's a miracle that only one person died."


I didn't understand what they were saying at all.

My dream was that I wanted a home.

If possible, I wanted the person who lived with me in that home to be Shi-chan.

Even though only one person died, the person who'd died was family to me. What kind of miracle is that supposed to be?

When I saw his corpse, my world went dark.

Surprisingly, even to me, though it felt like a hole had opened up in my chest, I didn't cry a single tear.

I figured I'd probably follow him, soon, right?

So I didn't bother with the shedding of tears.

Part of me even found a sort of twisted relief in the idea that, soon, me and Shi-chan would be together again.

hm. coping very well, yep.
she's got orange text-boxes!
...oh what is this bullshit now

But then, because of a certain opportunity, I was able to learn about the fact that the Tour of Time had the functionality of a time-traveling machine.

A ray of light had pierced into the darkened world.

a certain opportunity?????
you're not going to fucking tell us how you found out just yet?!?

I seized onto this last slim hope with everything I had.

Ji Hengsheng: ...I'll definitely save you, Shi-chan.

Surely anybody else would make the same decision as me.

To turn back time to save the most important person- such a decision was undoubtedly objectively correct.

So, even if the means are so unfortunate,

it'll probably all turn out fine, right?

Ji Hengsheng takes Wu Shi's corpse to the 13th train car, apologizing to him the whole time about how she's sorry for leaving him alone in the darkness like this. i- okay, wait, i'm confused. why is there already a 13th train car. what is the physical mechanism by which the 13th train car appears???? is this grandfather paradox bullshit where because someone will use timetravel, therefore the device for enabling time-travel has to already be present??? i was expecting the 'original' timeline to not have the 13th train car, and for ji hengsheng to show us how exactly the 13th train car GETS added to the train, but
we're not seeing any of that???
the 13th train car's just already here???
fait accompli??
yeah that's kind of weird
that on top of ji hengsheng not telling us how she even learned about how the time machine works
makes me think that we're not being told everything, yeah
probably someone is behind hengsheng as the TRUE mastermind or something.
hm, didn't Se Yue say that you have to summon the 13th car before you can activate it?
i feel like she did!
but we sure aren't seeing it!

apparently, there's a button behind the Cesium crests that, when pressed, summons the 13th train car to the train.

so whoever told ji about it probalby summoned it
Zerovirus did she get her hands on the crest though
also i just remembered this bit:

I was surrounded by countless Se family maidservants. They clearly wore the uniform.

But they were all wearing bizarre, unsettling masks that completely covered the face.

Se Yue: As I expected. S has accomplices.

if the person who told her about it had it why didn't they just give the crest to her physically in every loop, why does S have to attack se yue every time
i guess she just fucking HAS the crest already then!!!
she's reciting the spell!!!!!
anyway obviously someone gave it to her and told her the passphrase.

I clutched the crest to my chest and spoke aloud the magic words.

yep she just has the crest
possibly Se Yue, possibly Yu Guang
also didn't he get these memories psychic beamed
possibly some other faction
so whoever is doing the psychic beaming (like the time god or w/e) is hiding this info on purpose
back to the past, we go!!
we pop out in the bonfire scene!!
still don't have any clue what prompts her to be S
Hengsheng's internal narration of this scene adds very little to the established dialogue. She receives her memory at the same moment that Wu Shi would receive his memories, of course, but Wu Shi has a much worse reaction than her. Ji Hengsheng just goes like, 'mmmh', instead of Wu Shi's horrible mega screaming.

I was originally afraid that Shi-chan would notice my abnormality, but I soon realized that was an absolutely unnecessary worry.

Wu Shi was screaming like someone had hit him with a cleaver. He was having a far worse reaction than me.

well to be fair he died
why doesn't she tell her platonic friend what's goin on

No matter how I cried out to him, it was useless; he collapsed to the floor with an agonized expression.

What... was happening?

Ji Hengsheng is just as confused as anyone else is. nobody was expecting Wu Shi to come back too apparently!
like when u propose to someone, u gotta come clean about any time travel you've done. it's the rules
oh, right
she was expecting to be the only one to go back

All I really knew was how to operate the time machine.

Put all the dead people inside the 13th train car, and then call out the command phrase while holding the control crest.

But everything besides that, I had no idea.

I was the user of the time machine; in theory I was the only one whose memories should have been sent back in time.

But the abnormal condition that Shi-chan found himself in...

Maybe he had memories from the future too?

This guess of mine was validated in the next few hours.


At 4AM, Shi-chan gave me a call.

It's the same conversation as when Wu Shi had just told Yu Guang to go and act as bait, and was contemplating having Ji Hengsheng act as bait as well.
interestingly enough, at this point, wu shi's primary motivation is 'i'm going to change my own fate so i don't die', which is kind of, pretty much entirely aligned with ji hengsheng's goal as well
neither of them have a concept of such a being as S yet.
i'm wondering what leads ji hengsheng to the point of dressing up in a costume to terrorize wu shi.
does he meet S in this loop?
we've got to be close to learning this info but i don't even have any guesses
The same conversation about 'hey this is crazy but, I have memories from the future' happens, and Ji believes him instantaneously, of course, because she's the one who sent them both back in time.

Ji Hengsheng: I believe everything you said instantly and completely,

because I'm the one who turned back time in the first place

because ever since we were kids you never lied to me about anything serious and I don't believe you'd start now.

But I sure would lie to you, Shi-chan. Sorry about that.

no, but he does hallucinate him weirdly enough

I can't let you know that I'm a time traveler.

I'm sorry, but I know you better than anyone else.

You're a gentle person, and more gentle with me than with anyone else.

If I were to let you know that I turned back time to save you, you'd surely try to stop me from doing so.

i mean... does Wu Shi know that every single loop causes a new person to die at this point? right now wu shi seems mostly freaked out because he thinks se yue is trying to condemn him to death or something.
i guess Ji doesn't want to tell him partial truths
if she told him she was a time traveller, she'd feel obligated to tell him how it works (or maybe she thinks she wouldn't be able to hide it)
Ji Hengsheng starts tearing up after Wu Shi tells her about how painful it was to drown.
We see her crying on her end. It's legitimate crying.
She decides that she has to do something to spare Wu Shi the suffering.
(just as i guessed from the start!)
who was it that suggested maybe ji tranqulizes him to save him the pain of drowning?
(wu shi tells ji hengsheng that drowning sucks, S shows up with syringes of tranquilizer.)
it was me.
good job!
i am always right, about everything, always.
i bet she doesn't explain where she gets the suit

I thought about just tranquilizing him as myself, but I realized that wouldn't work. Shi-chan had future memories just like me. If I let him realize that I was tranquilizing him, then he'd start trying to evade me in future loops, or even work against me to stop me, and then it'd all be over.

Ji Hengsheng: I need a disguise.

"oh, this? i packed this for other reasons." "...what other reasons?" "can't a girl have hobbies, shi-chan? geez!"
ALRIGHT where did you get the fucking bird mask you freak, out with it
wait now we finally get to learn where the costume came from

I needed a disguise. But, I've been childhood friends with him for so long- if I didn't want him to be able to tell it was me, I had some real work ahead of me.

My body would be recognized... so let's wear a big spacious robe.

My voice would be recognized... so let's speak only with a synthesized voice through my phone.

Gait and motivation... I've got to come up with something for those as well, so that Shi-chan absolutely wouldn't be able at all to imagine that it was me.

Oh, I know!

I'll use the Se family.

I'll disguise myself as a renegade element of the vast Se conglomerate. They're so big you could realistically imagine anything and anyone being part of the Se connections somewhere or other.

This will surely create a blind spot in Shi-chan's thinking.

screen fade to black,

Wu Shi: Who are you?

......nope. the mask and outfit... is a fait accompli again.
ji hengsheng, ren faire fanatic
i just looked this game up and uh
Ji Hengsheng thinks to herself that she's relieved her disguise was so successful, but also kind of saddened that wu shi couldn't tell it was her after all.
just had a plague doctor suit
it's the plot of flower lol
except also maybe not
that is why i am liveblogging it here, yes.
i assume I'm late to the
as opposed to a different discord!
it's of interest either way, i think?
looks fun
also i recommend starting from the beginning because yeah this is endgame territory
Ji Hengsheng's got a metal pipe! She's whacking Wu Shi with it! She feels REALLY REALLY BAD about it! But she has to, because she can't think of a better way to make sure that Wu Shi doesn't interfere with things any further! And her reasoning is that she can't tell Wu Shi that she's trying to save him, because then she'll also have to tell Wu Shi that each time she loops someone else will die, and that'll cause Wu Shi to intentionally try to stop her!
So basically what this game is, is both of our potential romantic interests committing repeated time murder to save wu shi.
well, se yue committed twice as much time murder, so ji hengsheng still remains objectively best girl
👍 2
oh shit here we go
blah blah blah 'i'm threatening shi-chan and i feel bad but i really have to do this' blah blah, until...

Wu Shi: So you're S.

where's the surprise
you're supposed to be surprised that he came up with a name for you
what the fuck why aren't you confused
you should be confused why he's calling you S at all, as well as why he's decided to name the culprit S
man, i feel ripped off.
maybe she got the initial S in the first loop from Se Yue in the first loop ...?
she hasn't even named her own costume
it's just 'the costume', she hasn't mentally labeled it 'the S costume' or anything,
i feel like we haven't learned anything in these reveals
the fact that wu shi is acting like 'you're S' has any sort of meaning should be incredibly bizarre to her
yeah they're mostly confirmations of all the ji culprit theories we've already had
but we have the exact same questions as before
mostly interspersed with ji hengsheng feeling really really bad for the things she's doing.
Ji Hengsheng iron-pipes Wu Shi and feels super bad!
you've got 48 more loops of this, girl, strap in and get ready to feel awful
😭 1
her plan seems apparently identical to se yue's plan, i.e. don't have a plan, just do the same thing over and over again and hope something different happens
Ji Hengsheng tries to hide Wu Shi in her own bed, but somehow Wu Shi got out and got back into the men's dormitory again anyways, where he drowned. (This is the loop where Yu Guang also drowns, remember; Wu Shi got Yu Guang out to serve as bait, so Yu Guang felt tired the whole day and slept in the dormitory instead of getting up, leading to both him and Wu Shi drowning.)

Ji Hengsheng: Yu Guang... ;_;

Ji Hengsheng: Was this... my fault?

Ji Hengsheng: Because I tried to turn back time to save Shi-chan... this happened?

i mean- are you aware or not aware of how fuel works, yet?
i legitimately cannot tell
she must be right
if you actually know how fuel works yet, or not
if she knew how fuel worked, she wouldn't have used Wu Shi as fuel
she would have used a different dead student
there were no other casualties in the original timeline
wu shi was the only one who died
she'd have to go and commit a murder actively to pull that off!
y'know, i have a theory about the setup here
i think the time machine might be alive
like, a demon or something
because the rules don't actually make sense as physical prerequisites for time travel, but you know what they do make sense as
a way to trick people into feeding it human sacrifices over and over and over again
you don't need any immutable laws of fate to cause wu shi's death- you just need a demon that goes out of its way to kill him every time, because if he ever survived the looper might stop looping
and the time machine would stop being fed.
Ji Hengsheng puts Wu Shi in the 13th car, but it doesn't do anything. She's momentarily confused, but after she tries putting in Yu Guang's corpse as well, the machine starts up again.

Ji Hengsheng: Ah...

Ji Hengsheng: So it's like... a gachapon.

Ji Hengsheng: Every time travel costs another corpse...

wait, so, she didn't know about the fuel thing either, apparently she's learning this through trial and error
it'd explain se yue's "loop madness" or whatever- someone like se yue might notice what it's up to and try to stop it, particularly since she allegedly invented the damn thing
i think the game crashed again, fuck.
but if it drives her crazy with some sort of exhaustion-based hope/despair loop, she can't focus well enough to figure out a real solution
in this hypothesis how do you think se yue actually wound up getting credit for inventing this thing
figuring out a real solution would result in no more human sacrifice
se yue is actually a genius witch rather than genius scientist
yeah- like, it does require me to say "okay, se yue doesn't know nearly as much as she thinks she does, she's a pawn of this time machine demon somehow"
but that's a feature not a bug right
which- like, it'd be a reasonable inference when you have the underlying assumption "you can't build a fucking time machine if you don't actually know how it physically works, that's fucking stupid"
it seems clear se yue doesn't know much about how it works
my real-life reaction to se yue's stupid nonsense technobabble is "there is absolutely no way in hell that's how it actually works, why the fuck are you lying to me"
but in context i can believe the writers just gave her informed intelligence and didn't think too hard about what inventing a time machine entails
Cut to Ji Hengsheng ambushing Se Yue in the infirmary while Se Yue was chatting with Wu Shi, to steal the control crest. Ji Hengsheng has, at this point, resolved that, if possible, she should solve problems without resorting to physical violence, because she's sure that if she was forced to commit physical murder over and over again, she'd have a mental breakdown before long. The same conversation S and Wu Shi had (in the post this is replying to) is replayed, but from Ji Hengsheng's perspective it's just S making shit up about how Se Yue is the source of all evil and whatnot. In actuality, Ji Hengsheng describes herself, S, as the source of all evil.
demon theory is the theory that gives the writers more credit than i suspect they're actually due
hm- we still don't know how S is getting meido accomplices, right?
it's just
ji hengsheng feeling really really bad
which is- like, yeah, it sucks. but at the same time, we get it.
you see one scene of S internally repenting for her sins and you've seen'em all.
there's hardly anything interesting to even translate here.
just lots and lots of shots of ji hengsheng's crying expression.
god, could you imagine, like, if ji hengsheng succeeded here, during the loop where wu shi's soul was just fucking annihilated by S? like what's your plan after that? go back to marrying wu shi and never telling him about any of this? that shit's going to eat you alive from the inside, girl.
we're now reliving this conversation ( from the opposite side. when we experienced this from wu shi's side we were all kind of miffed at wu shi taking things out on ji hengsheng under the justification of 'keeping her safe from S'. it hits slightly differently now that we're seeing it from ji hengsheng's side, where ji hengsheng is ALSO blaming herself for yu guang and qian yuan's deaths!

Well, I supposed this was all my own fault.

This was the fruit born of my own acts and choices.

In order to prevent Shi-chan from taking unnecessary actions and hurting himself, I took the initiative and hurt him first myself.

yeah! that's... a decently accurate assessment of this situation!
the true culprit's probably se yue's dad. like, i'm ready to jump on that theory now. ji hengsheng hired by megacorp to become corporate assassin theory: very plausible.
wait do you think she's lying about her motives?
i- no? corporate assassin is a class, not a motive.
she's probably getting support from the family head.
who is at this point the only other plausible person who could have helped set things up this way.
it seems like she was manipulated into doing all this (rather than having been "hired")
oh but then, if she was a hired assassin ... she might have caused the acciden tin the first place
then realized it had caused wu shi's death (which she hadn't intended)
so she used the time machine (which she knew about, because she's a corporate assassin)
to be fair she has the excuse that she doesn't actually know how the time machine works, while se yue should have KNOWN this was a stupid plan
Anyways, after that scene is the scene where Ji Hengsheng finds Wu Shi and tells him she forgives him. On the inside, though, she's... apologetic that she's basically manipulating Wu Shi's feelings to make him more pliable and playing him from both sides. The way she sees it, Wu Shi is completely right to yell at her and tell her to stay away from him, and this is just another horrible thing she's doing to Wu Shi to further her goal of saving him. She also explains how she set up the phone to send a delayed text message, to create the illusion that S was somewhere else while she was talking to Wu Shi, but we figured all that out a long time ago. Murder Mystery Alibis 101.
megacorp assassin seems more likely but time machine hungers would be more fun and really retroactively justify this stuff

When I told Wu Shi that I'd stand with him no matter what, I saw light come into his eyes again. It hurt to see, because I knew it was built on a foundation of lies.

How ironic.

To my beloved childhood friend, so long as I was there to support him, he'd never lose hope for long.

But I was also the one who was causing him to lose hope- and who needed him to lose hope, so that he'd cease interfering with my actions.

This was no good. I needed to induce complete despair in him.

I had to find a way to cut off his hope completely.

god, hengsheng, your whole plan of dressing up like a freaky birdface has just gone completely sideways. you're suffering extreme motive decay you realize that right
whenever any line of plan ends with 'and therefore i must create complete despair in them' you should really really reevaluate your whole life
⭐ 3
fucking time-machine demons.
combine theories: se yue's father is the demon spirit of the time machine. human sacrifice fuels his corporate empire
So, yep, Ji Hengsheng decides that, as S, she needs to threaten herself, to make Wu Shi back the fuck off.

Let me turn my heart into a demon.

For Shi-chan, I can do absolutely anything.

this is the scene where, if you'll recall, S played the sound of him snapping Ji Hengsheng's fingers over the phone to Wu Shi
at the time i said that, if S and Ji were the same person, this meant Ji Hengsheng was snapping her own fingers.
let's see if that's actually the way this shakes out.
oh god no i forgot
this is ALSO the conversation where wu shi brings up the God of Time
to S
for the first time
please please react to this ji hengsheng
please go 'what the fuck are you talking about' at least ONCE
omg if ji snaps her own fingers i'm gonna be so happy
i can't bear this level of credulity any longer
I'll be honest if I was in Ji's position here i would just go "No, that makes sense"
Zerovirus god, fuck, he explained the god of time theory to Ji Hengsheng before they split up
Ji Hengsheng has heard the whole theory
and is just fucking going with it
"I deserve to be punished by God for my actions"

Wu Shi: That's why the god of time gave me the ability to retain my memories.

Ji Hengsheng (as S): You're... sure that... these things are causally related??

Wu Shi: Of course.

Wu Shi: Because I've kept my memories and will, I die painfully at the end of every loop.

Wu Shi: Avoiding that death inevitably puts me in conflict with your goal of prolonging the endless cycles.

Wu Shi: That's what makes me your enemy.

Ji Hengsheng: Oh shit oh shit oh shit has he figured it out?


Has Shi-chan figured it out?

He's so much more dangerous than I'd ever given him credit for.

Pursuing the 'truth' with a near-obsessive devotion. It was like he had an instinct for seeing things through to the truth, no matter how strange things were.

oh my fucking god so her words as S weren't ironic bullshitting at all
she was unironically going 'wow, shi-chan is so smart for being able to figure all this out!!!'
frankly sad, in my opinion

He's like Se Yue, in a way.

Except the two of them stand at opposite ends.

One of them endlessly arms herself and conceals herself until nobody can reach her.

The other one proceeds straight forward with no attempt at self-concealment whatsoever, until he reaches an end.

do you do you know se yue, ji hengsheng how do you know anything about se yue,
it's not like you've talked to her all that much over these loops,
see, god, i keep asking 'how do characters know the things they know' and the game just doesn't give me clear answers at all, ever
maybe the authors just have bad theory of mind
👍 1
that's Relatable ™️
i'm fucking ready to believe it
yeeeeep, ji hengsheng broke her own fingers to freak wu shi out.
aww yah
It hurts a lot, of course, but Ji Hengsheng's more afraid of failing in her quest than she is afraid of mere physical pain.
At this point she's convinced that she can't keep this up for much longer. If Wu Shi keeps interfering he'll find out her identity sooner or later.
interfering with what??
she's not doing anything!!!
her... y'know.
you know.
the Plans.
the Plans that you all know about.
those Plans, y'know.
the Plans.
sighs this time machine is run by motley fools.
Luckily she gets the concession she wants out of Wu Shi- that Wu Shi will stop trying to do anything about S, or else S will start breaking more of Ji Hengsheng's fingers- and she's able to get back on top of the train, sedate Wu Shi, and end the loop again.
i can't even make jokes anymore about how surely if Ji Hengsheng were looping it wouldn't be such a clowntown
😔 1
🇫 1

The fifth loop, the sixth loop, the seventh loop- loop after loop over and over.


Soon, the number of loops had gotten beyond my ability to remember clearly.

At the start, I'd still apologize profusely to all the new deaths I'd caused.

But, very soon, I stopped feeling anything.

After every ending I mechanically placed all the new dead fuel into the 13th train car.

...For some reason, after there were too many dead people for me to handle myself, a group of Se family maids, following the orders of god-knows-who, started helping me carry the corpses.

But at that point I just didn't have the energy to investigate it.

she continues trying various ways to try to save Wu Shi but none of them work. she thinks to herself 'if se yue, the extremely smart and cool princess who is good at everything, were doing this, surely she'd do a better job than me.' ha ha ha.
this is basically confirmation someone set it up
well to be fair she was better at continuing to kill more people
yeah ji is definitely not the main culprit here, holy shit
Ji Hengsheng's starting to feel loop exhaustion. She's having thoughts about how nice it'd be if everything would just end. That's definitely a sign of a healthy state of mind!!
She recognizes that she's objectively doing the wrong thing, but she just can't bring herself to abandon Shi-chan.
She's starting to have trouble keeping up the facade at bonfire night, but it's fine, because Wu Shi's memory-reclamation migraines are getting worse and worse anyways, so even if she's acting off at bonfire night, Wu Shi never notices a thing anyways.
ok now why does she fake her death

Finally, at the 46th loop, I realized something:

I couldn't save Shi-chan all by myself.

So now we're on loop 47.
here we go, she's fakin' her own death
why you do this, ji hengsheng? inquiring readers want to know.
She didn't even do anything special, she just faked collapsing.
Not even any sort of fake death injection or anything. Just, sudden collapse, let Wu Shi come to his own conclusions.
Zerovirus get Se Yue's attention apparently.
well, i suppose it's not the only time you've faked a collapse to get se yue's attention
i don't... know why se yue actually cares about you that much but it's apparently reliable.
well i guess that did work
right, this is the loop where Se Yue intervenes and all that jazz.

Surely the Se princess could save Shi-chan.

She was a special being.

Compared to me, she was far more suitable to bring Shi-chan out of his preordained tragic end.

guess that didn't work
also of course she faked her own death to have more freedom to move about as S, and to hide the truth from Se Yue.
yeah i mean this all tracks
apparently, over the course of previous loops- while Wu Shi was busy sulking and literally doing nothing and being tranquilized at the start of the loop over and over again,
it was never really a mystery to me why she faked her death
S was busy dueling with Se Yue in a game of wits, and several times Se Yue came close to exposing Ji Hengsheng as S.
Ji Hengsheng eventually decided enough was enough, and that she needed a foolproof alibi to demonstrate that she couldn't be S for any and all future loops.
We saw none of this because S always sedated us first thing.
Which, yeah, makes sense.
oh, and now
we're at
the scene
where S beats Se Yue into mincemeat.
originally my theory was 'ji was basically insane at this point and she was taking it out on se yue, who she blamed for inventing the time machine and trapping them all in hell'
but the actual scene is,
Ji Hengsheng really really wants Se Yue to save Wu Shi.
she wants to make sure that Wu Shi and Se Yue are tied together as one operating team.
To do this, she decided to rely on the fact that, to Wu Shi, S is basically his nightmare,
and attacked Se Yue in the most brutal way possible,
in order to convince Wu Shi that he and Se Yue were definitely on the same side for reals.
i suppose this kind of makes sense- wu shi started this all out trying to run away from se yue, remember
his starting state was 'se yue isn't trustworthy, she owns the train and the time machine and the maids and she probably wants me dead because i know too much or something'
i'm honestly legitimately surprised by this.
yeah i mean that tracks tbh
i was expecting ji hengsheng to actually hate se yue at this point, but it's the opposite. ji hengsheng really looks up to se yue and that's why she has to murder se yue, so that wu shi will be motivated to protect and work with se yue in the next timeline, and then se yue will come up with a solution.
which is
kind of magical thinking?
but it's the same kind of magical thinking as 'genius physicists can totally invent a time machine', nondiegetically.
it is at least better magical thinking then "if i keep trying hard enough the laws of time will change" tbh
it seems like a plan that has a goal
which follows via consequences of the content of the plan

I'm almost at my limit.

The me of right now probably couldn't even smile at Shi-chan, could she?

If I can't show a smile to him, is there a point to me staying with him at all?

Even if I achieved my dream and found a home-

It'd be impossible for me to invite him to join it, right?

yeah, these assessments are... accurate. i hate to say it but yeah, at this point, there is zero chance that wu shi and you could get married properly.
wait one question here
and so we've moved onto the 48th loop
does the Ji of the 15th car timeline actually have the memories of the Ji of the 13th car
no we don't know how she got under the bed
possibly? possibly not? maybe she JUST got those memories back??
what's a little magic time murder between besties. between platonic childhood friends
in loop 48, wu shi is overwhelmed with joy to see that se yue is fine, and embraces her, just as keikaku.
except whoops, watching wu shi hug se yue is making her cry.

That's odd. I haven't cried in dozens of loops. I thought I didn't have the capacity for it anymore.

But... something inside me... seeing the two of them embrace each other... it's making me cry.

How strange. Why am I crying?

Is it because I'm so happy for Wu Shi? Or is it...

Childhood Friend Experiences Jealousy For First Time In Her Life, Thoroughly Confused

I have to hide it- if Wu Shi notices I'm crying it'll ruin my faked death, I can't let him see the tears...

But, well, this was a good thing.

Being able to cry, still.


Nothing was wrong with that, right?

and then we skip the entirety of the 48th loop all the way to the end.
"My plan indeed worked as I expected," Ji Hengsheng says, standing before the smoking wreckage of the Tour of Time. "Everything went off just as planned."
she has to get into costume to chase se yue into the train though right?
and- really, at the end, she didn't... do anything different? like she didn't tell wu shi, 'you should try surviving by taking a breath right before the car fills up, then swim out while the pressure is equalized', or anything.
she just...
put wu shi and se yue in one place
assuming that the need to save se yue from certain death will unlock hidden potential in wu shi, shonen-style
which is such complete magical thinking isn't it?
eh, if it didn't work she could just try again
but yeah a little bit
i suppose.
Anyways, right after Wu Shi escaped from the flooded men's dormitory car, saved Se Yue from drowning, and then died himself, Ji Hengsheng went and found the ring she'd given Wu Shi at the bonfire night, which Wu Shi had dropped on the floor of the men's dormitory, the way he always does when the alarm goes off.

It'd fallen in the receding floodwaters, and become stained with muck- just like me.

I think... that I no longer have the right to accept his response, anymore.

But that's fine. As long as he can live on, everything will be fine.

as SOON as this memory flashback is over we're getting down on our knees and proposing in ji hengsheng
oh now that recontextualizes the 'i am furiously shipping you and se yue' thing doesn't it
that recontextualizes it so hard.
fuck you're right it does.
'i want to marry you but i can't because i became a murderer to save you, so the best i can do is live vicariously through the person you do eventually decide to marry.'
i mean, assuming she has the memories of the 13th train car in the 15th train car world
if wu shi doesn't assure ji that she is his forever girl i'm gonna riot
for real she is WIFE MATERIAL

Watching Se Yue steal the Tour of Time away from me, leaving me on the platform all by myself, I smiled behind my mask. It was just as I'd planned.

Take good care of Shi-chan for me.

I bowed my head towards the rapidly departing Tour of Time.

Ji Hengsheng: Please save him where I could not.

...Oh, I'm crying again. How strange.

Ji Hengsheng: It's fine if it isn't me.

Ji Hengsheng: Please... make him happy.

and that's
that's all the memories we receive from the dump!
ultimately kind of a let down
...i'm kind of low-key amused that ji hengsheng's memories leaped over the part where, y'know, se yue kicked her off the train with a karate jumpkick
i have to agree yeah
or where she almost loses her mask
no real insight on anything we didn't already know
just a lot of 'there's a true culprit but i have no idea and didn't bother to think about it'
the writers wimped out on making ji as badass as she by all rights should have been
and yeah, no real whatever on the actual motive.
We're back in the present, at the world of the 15th train car.
Well, he would, but he's still dangling by one arm off the side of the train.
he better find a way to hug her anyway

Ji Hengsheng: On the count of three, I'll pull, and you climb up, Shi-chan!

It works surprisingly well!
Wu Shi is pulled back up to the top of the train.

Ji Hengsheng looked exhausted- but happy. At least in the here and now, just once, she was able to save me from dying.

That was something she spent the entirety of the thirteenth train car trying to do, without once succeeding.

Even though the user of the 13th and 15th train car were the same...

But it was good that she had no memories from the 13th train car at all anymore.

okay so the explanation for you gaining those memories is just magical psychic miracle huh okay. razzafrazzin' time gods making exceptions for main characters grumble grumble grumble.
wait how does he know that
yo maybe ji was supposed to get her memories back but the time god made a typo entering the ip address of her brain
cause he just told us duh get with the program @jjjqance
and sent it to wu shi instead
itt zero gets mad about the lack of epistemology in VN games
wu shi and ji hengsheng have the same seed in the tower of asphodel, that's why ji hengsheng had to wear a mask
😂 1
rail of mobius has secretly been a flower fanfic
oh actually i just remembered
Wu Shi guessed that she didn't have much experience because she hesitated to overpower him
but dang
i wanted some kind of catharsis to resolve ji's despair
if she just doesn't have the despair anymore though ...

I approached Hengsheng again. I reached to my back pocket for my only tranquilizer syringe.

Wu Shi: Hengsheng.

Hearing me, she turned to me.

Wu Shi: At the bonfire party tomorrow night, you were planning on giving me a ring and asking me to propose marriage to you, right?

Her eyes widened when I said that.

Taking advantage of her surprise-

Wu Shi: Nap time.

I injected the tranquilizer right into her body, even as her expression was that of total disbelief.

Wu Shi: Everything'll be over once you reawaken.

Even as she fell over, Hengsheng still clung to my clothes as though she didn't want to let me go- as though she was afraid I was heading to a faraway place she couldn't go with me.

I rubbed her cheeks lightly.

This time, it was my turn to protect you.

wu shi is a fuck
what else is new
is this the kind of plot that could get resolved in 5 minutes if all the characters stopped tranquilizing each other and talked instead

After this, the next few decisions I would make would surely be major decisions, which would change the outcome of everything.

I had to consider my choices carefully.

...oh i think this is
a final exam
and i am not ready to take a final exam right now, because it's getting late and i'm looking for a place to close
so rather than jump headfirst into another big Thing
i'm just going to cut it here
thanks for translating!
seems like!
good night zero, thank you again! this has been super fun
even as the story has taken its cool setup VERY far off the deep end
this would be so much less fun if done not as a group lol
this 1
I haven't paid for this game, but I still want my money back
i've offloaded my refund onto you
if i were playing this alone i would want a refund, but i've derived value from sharing it with you
so now it is your fate to bear the wanting-of-a-refund in my stead
Deleted User
reading through this
hurts my brain meats
You’ve soured on the game already?
Deleted User
I just enjoy it the way I enjoy my sister's cooking
I smile and bear with it because I enjoy her company
I was asking zero, because of the refund comment
i think the most accurate assessment i could make is that, if i weren't translating it actively, i would have already finished the game; i've clocked 36 hours in the game but realistically this game is only a 10-hour-long read for me at MOST.
most of the time i'm spending in this game is time i'm spending typing stuff up.
i would definitely not have enjoyed this game as much had i played it alone is my point, because it would have been a much shorter experience
i am in agreement that the plot of this game is... not everything it could have potentially been. and if i were playing it alone it wouldn't have been as much fun.
but because we're all suffering together it's way more fun for me.
i think i've only actually ever asked for a game refund once, and that was for a game i could not physically run on my computer
(i read a LOT of things i don't enjoy on an object level, because i enjoy the meta-level experience of interrogating my own displeasure.)
👍 2
i would even go so far as to say that if i were playing this game alone, my opinion of it would just be unsophisticatedly negative
but because i'm taking the time to liveblog it i appreciate it more than i would have otherwise, because i've had the time to formulate and imagine ways-this-story-could-have-gone-instead, which gives me a far deeper appreciation of the ways in which it DOESN'T do ANY of those things and instead does incredibly silly and/or dumb things.
i do think i've been able to appreciate ji hengsheng's dynamic with wu shi, and both of them with yu guang, far better than if i were just speeding through it as Humanizing VN Banter
I feel like this came could have said something about acknowledging mistakes vs doubling down on them, and sunk costs. I think it's probably trying to, but I'm not sure what, exactly it's trying to say. Also the fact that's it's possible to reset the death count takes out a lot of the bite of what could have been
It's always possible the game will surprise us, but I'd be surprised if the answer to why Wu Shi remembers the loops is more satisfying than "time gods"
the game's disappointed us with explanations so many times
the extra train cars in the end are just... empty?
ji hengsheng goes in and there's just nothing of note she feels like she ought to tell us??
no advanced technological devices??
how does any of this work. smh.
And it had such good steam ratings