Part 7

that's right it's time for more RAIL OF MOBIUS
last time we left off... what even happened. oh, right. Se Yue got Qian Yuan to dress up as S to jumpscare us, and nobody asked either of them where they got the costume.
Guess it's one of those rich ojou-sama things you don't question.
here's the title screen,
have we ever had a fucking title screen with yu guang or ji hengsheng, i don't remember
Deleted User
it's that time of the day eh
and by that time of the day i mean, 5:00, men's dormitory. Wu Shi's in his cabin in the train apparently. Alone.
Why are you just waiting here alone. Are you really that out of productive useful things to be doing?
oh my fucking god.

After the False S Incident instigated by Qian Yuan was complete, just in case anything was wrong, Yu Guang and Hengsheng were taken to the infirmary car for a checkup.

did we not just establish that half the fucking maids here are in on it like you'd imagine at this point they would just, have, a blanket ban on the maids going anywhere near the infirmary but OKAY WHATEVER
Deleted User
silly zero
Wu Shi is more preoccupied with thinking about the argument he had with Se Yue, though, apparently.
Deleted User
you forget that maids are just furniture

Wu Shi: Blah blah blah I want to be her friend but she's an asshole.

Wu Shi: I keep oscillating between feeling bad for her when she's being a woobie, and being mad at her when she's being the kind of person who gets their treasure stolen in Persona 5.

Deleted User
that's a joke wu shi didn't actually say that
Deleted User
oh ok
in persona 5 the antagonists are all rich and/or powerful assholes who consider themselves part of some kind of 'elite', and the gameplay consists of going out and teaching them a lesson through copious psychodrama violence
anyways, sensing that someone on the train is having negative thoughts about the princess, Qian Yuan ninjas in.
Wu Shi is appropriately terrified.
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Qian Yuan, seeing my startled reaction, flips off the top bunk (??? there's bunks??? is this a case of the art not matching the narrative??) and lands adroitly on her feet.

Wu Shi: Impressive. You're very dexterous.

Qian Yuan: Oh, it's nothing, I've practiced this for the sake of the young mistress after all.

qian yuan why do you need to practice ninja-like abilities to sneak into and out of bed for your mistress,
😏 2
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obv that she needs to perfect
bleh, getting names mixed up in my brain

Wu Shi: Okay so what are you doing here.

Qian Yuan: I detected thoughts about the mistress and have thus pursued them!

Wu Shi: Is this another way to say that you are here to stalk me at your mistress's orders again?? Are we back on that now?

Qian Yuan: Oh, no, I didn't tell her I was going to find you this time.

Wu Shi: I thought you said you do everything for the mistress.

Qian Yuan: Precisely! That's why I didn't tell her about this.

Wu Shi: thonk

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umm is nobody gonna talk about ninja maido's growing telepath powers?
wait did she actually that's very funny
Deleted User
great job

Then she kicks off her shoes and gets into my bed.

What is it with girls crawling their way into my bed lately??

Qian Yuan: A surprisingly clean and large mattress! How pleasant.

Wu Shi: Okay, first off, the mattress has no correlation with any implications about my character you want to make here. You maids are the ones who set this whole bedroom arrangement up. In fact, your organization owns this mattress. There is no sense in which this bed is somehow representative of my character.

it's not telepathy she can just smell disloyalty.
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Wu Shi: ...Also, stop trying to find porn mags under the mattress. You're not going to find any. Even if I had any I wouldn't have brought them on this ride.

i didn't make that up
that's actually happening
did the narration say this or is this just "zero makes a joke and then the game immediately doubles down on it"
the latter
best translator
👏 2

Qian Yuan: Okay, okay. Anyways, I'm actually here in order to protect world peace. Specifically, the peace between the young mistress and Wu Shi-senpai, in this small undersea world. That's why I'm here to chitchat with you!

Wu Shi: Okay, I'll bite. What's so great about the princess anyways?

Wu Shi: I'm telling you, if one day she has some goal that she needs to sacrifice you to achieve, you better bet she'll sacrifice you immediately.

I said the words with an acerbic bite.

I was expecting them to anger her.

I wasn't expecting her to agree.

Qian Yuan: You do understand the young mistress quite well, it seems!

She nodded approvingly.


Qian Yuan: You must have paid her a lot of attention to recognize so much about her so quickly.

Wu Shi: Okay, no, the way you say that makes me sound like some kind of stalker and I'm not-

Qian Yuan: That's why you want to contradict her viewpoints, isn't it? Because you consider her much more important to you than you're letting yourself admit.

Wu Shi: .............


Qian Yuan: Also, frankly, the fact that you're capable of arguing with the young mistress to her face is also an impressively rare quality. I think that's why she values you.

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Oh, she values me because I piss her off?

Wu Shi: ...Okay, maybe you're kinda right. I do care a surprising amount about her.

yeah, enough to fucking, die, to save her life, apparently.

Wu Shi: I just don't really understand her.

She's so open and pleasant when she excitedly explains the workings of the time machine.

But she's so cold and cruel when deciding how to use it.

She's contradictory. One one hand she wants friends; on the other hand she intentionally keeps herself isolated from everyone else.

wu shi, just say she's a tsundere and get it over with
you will save us all so much time
i wonder if Qian Yuan is going to manage to use every single CotL power in this scene.
so far she's managed A Sense for Sin, Appear, Transfix and Open the Vault.

Qian Yuan: It's fine if you don't understand her. The mistress is a deep and complex person beyond your ability to understand.

Qian Yuan: As the Se family heir, she bears pressure you cannot even begin to imagine.

Qian Yuan: She's not allowed to speak her true heart or acknowledge any weakness.

Wu Shi: Are you allowed to say these kinds of things about your mistress?

Qian Yuan: I came here specifically to say these things!

Qian Yuan: That is the topic of the conversation I wish to have- 'the Se Yue I see with my own eyes'.

oooh, is this it, is it time for qian yuan and se yue's backstory
come on hurry up and give it to us
oh man induced flashbacks as a way of bonding with others, that's also a CotL power!
this is a bizarre backstory explanation
it begins with wu shi asking qian yuan, 'come off it there is NO way you enjoy hanging out with her either, you probably secretly hate her too'
just caught up. wu shi has a good point about the mattress not reflecting his character
and qian yuan is like, 'well, i wouldn't say hate, but you're right, there's not really much of a personal relationship between us'
which, what the fuck, that sounds like a complete fucking lie???
"yes, we are childhood acquaintances, i've been working as the young lady's personal servant since i was a child so we've known each other for a very long time, but we have no real personal relationship" uh-huh
even furniture starts developing a heart after that fucking long, don't lie to me

Qian Yuan closes her eyes as if she's recalling something.

Qian Yuan: You know, when the mistress was younger, I think she had siblings? Sisters and brothers, of both the older and younger varieties?

Wu Shi: What do you mean, think?

Qian Yuan: Well, it was a long time ago, y'know?

Qian Yuan: All of them disappeared one after the other. Who knows where they are now.

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I seem to remember yu guang being in an early one also but not sure
honestly despite the emotional music in the background this scene has not been very cute yet
more 'hey don't forget, we are the Se Family and we Disappear People, even our own people, you're never safe'
maybe we shi is her secret brother
😱 1
Maybe S is a disappeared sibling?

Wu Shi: Why did they disappear?

Qian Yuan: Because they did not achieve the requirements of the Se Family.

Wu Shi: The hell kind of requirements do you people have??

Some kind of horrific, bloody test that no sane people can possibly pass??

Qian Yuan: A total prohibition on the words, 'please', 'thanks', and 'sorry'.

hey remember how the english translation of Yu Guang's name is Sol for no obvious reason
Deleted User
betcha we know why now
y'know, that actually makes yu guang culprit theory seem more plausible.
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Wu Shi: Wait, that's it?

Qian Yuan: Yep, that's it.

Qian Yuan: Failure to avoid all of these three phrases will lead to the Se Family disposing of you, as an heir.

qian yuan you are not at ALL doing anything to make any of this sound more appealing
seriously you did not have to call it 'disposing'
Deleted User
she sounds properly menacing
Zerovirus it's actually fucking unironically the 'never apologize' speech, god,
Qian Yuan continues to explain this bullshit set of rules and in the process mostly recapitulates the short flashback we had at the beginning of this loop, the bit where Se Yue was being admonished by the family head.
Nothing new, just, Wu Shi now knows about the rationale. No making mistakes, no being grateful, no needing help from others. blah blah.

Wu Shi: Well, now I know why Se Yue's the way she is.

Wu Shi: Holy shit, like, the fact that she's lived under these rules for, like, over a decade, where the stakes are if she fucks up she basically dies,

Wu Shi: Given all that, honestly, she's turned out surprisingly well as a human being.

Qian Yuan: This is the part where I should threaten you with a knife in the name of the young mistress, but I honestly agree with you, so I'll just pretend I heard nothing, la la la~

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Wu Shi: Given all that, honestly, she's turned out surprisingly well as a human being.

this is true

Wu Shi: I will graciously forgive all the myriad ways she has wronged me up to now!

Qian Yuan: ......

Qian Yuan: Look, the point is, at this point she's lived this way for so long, the rules are part of her blood. I don't think there's anything you could do to her to make her violate the rules at this point.

well sort of
some of ehr thoughts have been disturbing
what if se yue has a bunch of character development and at the end she apologizes to wu shi for something
and then promptly her head explodes
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her big brain couldn't handle saying
please thanks and sorry
oh no i meant like her dad implanted small bombs in her so she'd die if she violated the rules
Deleted User
I read that as small boobs

Wu Shi: It seems you understand Se Yue rather well, Qian Yuan.

Qian Yuan: Honestly, I don't know if the Se Yue I know is the real Se Yue.

Qian Yuan: I believe that, so long as I belong to the Se Family, I'll never be able to really understand her.

I wondered if that was why Se Yue didn't like to be called 'young mistress' by those outside the family?

Qian Yuan: But, well, really, no matter how close any two people are, nobody can ever truly totally understand another person.

Qian Yuan: Perhaps even Yu Guang and Ji Hengsheng have hidden sides to them that you've never imagined.

now that sure is foreshadowing
Deleted User

Wu Shi: No, I know about Yu Guang's freaky urges to streak in public, that one's not a hidden side.

Qian Yuan: Uh.

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"but Ji definitely doesn't have a hidden side. yup. moving on"

Wait, shit, Yu Guang has a crush on her. Fuck, did I just fuck things up for my man?

I've got to fix this.

Wu Shi: ...To be clear he keeps his pants on when he streaks.

Qian Yuan: .....

I think I fixed it.

Qian Yuan: Leeeet's talk about something else.

😅 2
that's not streaking that's just jogging dude

Qian Yuan: What I want to bring up next is something you should be interested in.

Qian Yuan: I want to talk about our shared experience, as sinners who have enjoyed the benefits of the Tour of Time.

Qian Yuan: I want to talk about the time I used the time machine.

oh wow uh okay we're just
going there huh
this is something of an inorganic segue i'll be honest
she's just going 'please let me infodump at you' and we're just going with it
wow nice save

Qian Yuan's hands were shaking, I noticed.

Wu Shi: Are you okay?

Qian Yuan: I'm okay.

She clasped her hands together. It helped reduce the shaking, somewhat. Not completely.

Qian Yuan: It's been a year, so I have to be okay.

wow bet i know where this is going

Wu Shi: If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to.

(after all it's not like we ASKED her to tell us, she just decided. on her own.)

Qian Yuan: No, I have to. If I can't bring myself to talk about it after all this time, then I'll never be able to make any progress.

Qian Yuan: One year ago, my older brother died in a fire.

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Well, that introduction by itself made it pretty clear where things were going after that.

Qian Yuan: Coincidentally at that time, the young mistress's research finally bore fruit. She'd created a machine that could reverse time. But she banned its use, and permitted nobody to use it.

Presumably that was because she discovered it cost lives to use, yeah.

Qian Yuan: Against her orders, I used the Tour of Time on my own.

Wu Shi: Wait, how'd you do that? Knowing the princess's attitude, there must have been a ton of security on the thing, right? How'd you manage to use it on your own?

Qian Yuan: Because the current head of the Se Family overrode her orders and permitted me. Not only did he permit me, but he even used his own resources to remove all the obstacles the young mistress placed to defend the time machine, helping me achieve all of my goals.

Qian Yuan: In retrospect, this was all part of the family head's plans.

Qian Yuan: He was using me as an experimental subject to see if the Tour of Time would function properly or not.


The Se Family really sucks major ass.

And Se Yue's supposed to inherit all of that?


Qian Yuan: Senpai, as someone who has experienced the endless hell of the time machine, would you care to take a guess as to what happened to me?

Wu Shi: ...Probably nothing good, right.

Just like the world of the thirteenth car.

Endless deaths and no change.

Every loop a new corpse.

Qian Yuan: I couldn't save my brother.

Qian Yuan: Refusing to give up hope, I looped endlessly- and the only result was that more and more unrelated innocents were ensnared into the loop, perishing in the butterfly-effect of the fire.

so wait did she kill US
is that what i'm hearing
Deleted User
so she's a mass murderer?
she killed us but (someone from the future) intervened to save us and died in our place??
did we ever get a body count for the fire?

Qian Yuan: No matter what, every route led to tragedy.

Qian Yuan: In the end, a fire that was meant to only cause a single casualty became a disaster which caused the deaths of dozens and dozens of people.

Qian Yuan: At some uncounted loop, I... broke.

Qian Yuan: The massive pressure and trauma caused me to lose the expressive capacity of a regular person, and I became an expressionless puppet.

i do not believe so

Wu Shi: ...Uh, you seem pretty expressive to me right now, though.

Qian Yuan: Oh, that's just a disguise I've put great effort into learning to use.

rude, Wu Shi

Qian Yuan: After all, an expressionless doll would be unfit to be the personal maidservant of the young mistress, right?

Qian Yuan: So, I worked hard, worked myself to the bone- really actually to the bone- and I won my smile back.

Qian Yuan: But, well, that's the only one I've managed to get back so far.

i have to say this all feels a lot like... i don't know if 'informed attribute' is the right term
she was clearly very mad when she believed we'd killed se yue, in one of the earlier loops
and that neither gels with this emotionless concept OR with the idea that actually me and the ojou-sama only have a professional relationship, thanks
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Qian Yuan: Anyways, at the time, I'd completely lost control and was just looping mechanically.

Qian Yuan: I'd watch my brother die and then reverse time, and then watch him die again.

Qian Yuan: If I'd kept doing this, then eventually maybe everybody at the Train Station would have been expended as fuel, right?

Wu Shi: Man, fuck the Tour of Time.

Qian Yuan: I was the one who killed everyone who died in that tragedy, and for the sake of my brother I was even prepared to kill more people.

Qian Yuan: Why aren't you saying anything, senpai?

Qian Yuan: If you'd known that the fire you experienced a year ago was caused by me, would you still be able to stay silent?

yep here we go

Wu Shi: Eh?

Qian Yuan: That's right. It was I who nearly caused your death last year.

yeah that's pretty obvious at this point, but apparently this is a surprise to ol' wu shi
hm so she also caused the fire in the first place?
no, she didn't cause the fire, the fire was originally just going to kill her brother
instead she made it kill her brother plus a shitload of other unrelated people
Wu Shi is having a ptsd flashback to the fire now. Thanks, Qian Yuan.
yeah but she just said the fire was caused by her
We can be PTSD buddies together.
she means his involvement in the fire
'the experience of the fire you had was caused by me'

Qian Yuan: So, you see, I've known you for a year, now.

Qian Yuan: Albeit, only at a distance.

Wu Shi: Wait- but, then, that means...

Qian Yuan: That's right.

Qian Yuan: The firefighter who perished in the fire to save you, was my older brother.

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Wu Shi: I'm sorry.

Qian Yuan: Don't be. If anything, I'm the one who should apologize to you.

Qian Yuan: At first I was looping time because I thought I could find a way to avoid the inevitable.

Qian Yuan: But at the end, I was just looping time because I couldn't bear to see the inevitable actually come to pass.

that's kind of tragic

Qian Yuan: Eventually I forgot why I was even looping time at all, and just started to do it automatically.

Qian Yuan: Then, before I fully gave myself over to the abyss, the young mistress appeared before me.

Qian Yuan: Even though I haven't told her of the loop, she still noticed something was wrong, and appeared before me to stop me- and to save me.

Just like me, too.

Appearing in the midst of lost hope, telling me to 'let her handle it from now on'...

Maybe my image of her as a cold and haughty princess was wrong. After all, she'd apparently saved both me and Qian Yuan when we were each in the depths of loop-induced despair.


Qian Yuan: After the incident, I used the corporation's resources to track you. I was very aware of how much suffering my actions brought you, even after your recovery from the coma.

Qian Yuan: Therefore, I must apologize sincerely to you.

She knelt down before me so far her head touched the floor.

Qian Yuan: I'm truly very sorry.

man, this was, thoroughly unprompted! but i guess you had to do it or else it'd bother you FOREVER.
Wu Shi forgives her immediately, of course.
He also thinks to himself about how perhaps his commitment to sincerity is a reaction to losing dozens of loops of lived experience while Qian Yuan was looping.

Maybe that was why I felt such a disassociation between the me that was, and the me that was running so far ahead of me. The distance between us was the distance of those dozens of loops that I couldn't remember having lived.

i legitimately don't know either
the hell is he talking about
best as i can tell he's talking about his own dissociation
which is a thing he has
and using really elaborate words to say it
'it makes me feel better about having disassociation if i model it as a disconnect between the me that exists and the me that would exist if i'd lived that many loops myself, imparts a kind of meaning onto it'??
that's my best guess.
honestly i have no real idea though.

Qian Yuan: Thank you for forgiving me, senpai.

Wu Shi: ...It's no problem. So, what happened after that?

Qian Yuan: The young lady appeared before me and stopped me from continuing to loop time. With her and the rest of the corporation's resources, the disaster was contained and written off as an uncommonly terrible electrical fire.

Qian Yuan: But though the disaster was contained in the outside world, in the Se Family, the fires continued raging.

Qian Yuan: My actions resulted in the deaths of many. The Se Family was required to spend some of its resources to contain the disaster, and in the aftermath I was found to be at fault for the incident.

Wu Shi: Wait, I thought the head gave you permission though?

Qian Yuan: Why, the family head denied ever having done so, of course~!

never trust anyone referred to as a "family head"
never works out well

Qian Yuan: In the end I was found to be solely responsible for the whole incident, and at that point all that was left was to decide which of the house's countless torments would be inflicted upon me.

Wu Shi: ...I want to ask, but, you're being literal, aren't you. You're actually being literal.

Qian Yuan: It's not clear, actually. Nobody knows exactly what the family's punishments are, but it's said to be an experience worse than death. It wasn't like I had any other options, though, other than to accept my fate.

Qian Yuan: But, just as I was about to be dragged away, the winds of fortune changed once more for me.

Se Yue: Who dares lay a finger upon my personal maidservant?


Family Head: You're defending her, Se Yue? Do you know what you're doing here?

Se Yue: I do.

Family Head: Do you know the depths of the mistakes she has committed?

Se Yue: She has committed no mistakes.

Family Head: What do you mean by that.

Se Yue: She has committed no mistakes, because I told her to do all of that,

Se Yue: And I cannot commit a mistake.

Se Yue: Therefore, she has committed no mistakes.

Se Yue: To confirm the function of the Tour of Time, I instructed my personal maid to undergo a thorough stress-testing of the device. I ask you, father, what wrong there is in such a practical course of action?

oh that's actually pretty badass.
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Wu Shi: Ohhhh, she COVERED for you.

Qian Yuan: That's right. For one such as me, she dared to make an enemy of the family head.


Family Head: She must bear responsibility for her actions.

Se Yue: I will bear all of her responsibilities.

Family Head: The actions of your maid have led to the deaths of dozens of people. Are you claiming responsibility for that, as well?

Se Yue: ...There is no responsibility to be claimed.

Se Yue: After all, as the princess of the Se family,

Se Yue: It is only right for others to die in my service.

Se Yue: ...Yes. That is what I must claim, now.

Se Yue: I decline to take responsibility for their deaths, because there is no responsibility to be claimed, because it is perfectly natural for them to all have died. I am the kind of important person, after all, for whom any number of deaths is meaningless.

Se Yue: In this way, you have no grounds to punish me or my personal servant for any of these actions.

Se Yue: I will take my servant with me, now.

that's actually a REALLY badass reframing of her 'people should die for me it's fine' mantra.
reframes it into 'i have to keep acting like it's fine because if i don't then according to the fucked-up laws of my family my maidservant will be held responsible for all those deaths.'
gotta roleplay that cruelty for the rest of your life now!

Qian Yuan: When I heard her say those things, tears ran down my face.

Qian Yuan: That was when I realized that I owed the young mistress an unrepayably vast debt.

Wu Shi: .....Wow.

Qian Yuan: After hearing the young lady say that, the family head laughed uproariously for a spell, and then let me go.

fucking kinzos
never fucking trust anybody called the 'family head', indeed

Qian Yuan: The price the young mistress paid to save me, though, was that from then on everyone looked at her with greater trepidation, and stayed even further away from her than ever before.

Wu Shi: Well, yeah. Makes sense.

Wu Shi: ...Damn, that's where the rumors about the princess being mad with power and obsessed with human experimentation came from too, wasn't it.


Qian Yuan: She never even asked me about my experience using the time machine, either.

Qian Yuan: She never said anything about it, but I got the impression that she was trying to take care of me, in her own way, by not reminding me of the trauma I'd put myself through.

Qian Yuan: She knew that those loops were a terrible, bleak experience for me, and so she never asked me to recount my experience of them.

It seemed that the princess cared much more for Qian Yuan than I'd previously imagined.

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how did this come down to a high school rumor mill?
like isn't this some pretty secret stuff?
that's how rumors happen, really. like if they'd just explained the original context it would have been obvious that se yue was making a factually untrue claim to try to game a legal loophole.
but instead because it was secret all the leaks are incoherent and eventually it turns into 'se yue said she murdered like fifty people and she'd do it again'
probably through the family head tbh
brags about it

Qian Yuan: Anyways, senpai, that's the young mistress as I know her.

Wu Shi: .....

Wu Shi: Thank you for telling me about all this.

love those unprompted one-sided infodump convos
I don't think "infodump" is the right emotional valence
"confession," maybe

Qian Yuan: Now, having heard all this, what's your opinion of the young lady like now?

Wu Shi: ...She seems to be... the kind of person that's easily misunderstood.

Qian Yuan: Probably you're the only person in the world who could see her that way.

Wu Shi: Really?

Qian Yuan: She's a clumsy and troublesome young lady, but I do hope you'll take care of her.

Qian Yuan: Also don't tell her I came over here.

Wu Shi: So you ACTUALLY didn't tell her where you were going then.

Qian Yuan: Oh, yeah, if I told her, she'd TOTALLY have ordered me not to come.

Wu Shi: I understand. I'll keep this a secret.

Qian Yuan: Thanks, senpai!

After she said what she'd wanted to say, she got up and left quickly.

At that point in time I didn't really understand the true impact of Qian Yuan's words.

Only later did I realize just how many terrifying futures were buried within that conversation.

i have no fucking clue what wu shi means by 'terrifying futures'
s's plot, somehow fueled by tragic backstory
what's going to happen for S
this counts as tragic right
yes definitely

Wu Shi: ...Wait. Qian Yuan.

Qian Yuan: ...Yes?

She was at the precipice of the door, just about to leave.

Wu Shi: ...Should we still continue this whole thing? The Tour of Time?

Wu Shi: After all, nobody has died yet...

Is Wu Shi suggesting- what- just parking the train here and waiting for rescue to show up??
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an actual idea
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from this pigeon brain
wow he has grown

Qian Yuan: ...I have no comments to make here.

Qian Yuan: Let me make something clear, though. Death isn't the fearsome thing.

Qian Yuan: The fearsome thing is endless looping.

Seeing her expression, there, I could say, with full confidence-

There was no way she was S.

yeah, his reasoning is that she legitimately would rather die than loop time again, which is pretty contraindicative to S.

Qian Yuan: Other than that, I've got no useful advice for you.

Qian Yuan: My own experience with the looping of time has been a complete and terrible waste of time, one that led me nowhere and won me nothing of value. I have nothing to teach you.

Qian Yuan: I would only ask that you take good care of the young mistress, in the case where I am no longer around to do so.

Wu Shi: ...I understand.

qian yuan is hardcore.
tbh any time there's a time travel story and the characters are like "time travel is hopeless" i assume they're just extremely incompetent
After that, Qian Yuan leaves. Wu Shi also leaves. on Wu Shi's way out he catches Yu Guang, who has fainted. Yu Guang has fainted because he saw Qian Yuan coming out of Wu Shi's personal dormitory room. This is incredibly stupid.
Wu Shi decides to completely ignore Yu Guang and go hang out with Se Yue instead. He wants to apologize for being mean at her a while ago.
He shows up and Se Yue immediately goes 'so what did Qian Yuan talk with you about', and Wu Shi, being Wu Shi, replies, 'I told her that I wouldn't tell you that we talked, so we didn't talk about anything- wait, shit.'
Se Yue sighs and just goes with it. She summons Qian Yuan, who appears out of nowhere immediately. She does not question Qian Yuan about what Wu Shi and Qian Yuan were talking about.
Wu Shi marvels at the fact that when Se Yue summoned Qian Yuan, Qian Yuan showed up so fast he thought he saw ripples in the air.

Wu Shi: Where were you even hiding?

Qian Yuan: It is a professional requirement for maidservants to be able to hide themselves perfectly anywhere they need to, and to always be available on demand no matter from how far away.

Wu Shi: Wow, I had no idea that the standards for maidservants were so high these days.

The three of them decide it is time to get back to business- namely, finding S.
i mean, there was genuinely a period of time in Victorian England when maids were expected never to be seen by houseguests
hey THAT sounds like maidservant theory clues
during the execution of their duties
being seen was grounds for dismissal!
what i'm saying is
how do you... guarantee that? on a practical level??
maids have always had hiding powers
hidden entrances and exits from rooms, I'm given to understand
no wonder the maids always did it
trick maid mansions...
no wonder fair play murder mysteries had their heyday in victorian england
god i love a good trick mansion
anyways i'm gonna cut it here for today cuz i'm getting tired and cough-y again
with how many times the game is bringing it up, i have to wonder if maid superpowers are just a funny gag or an actually important plot point
i guess with qian yuan's testimony about the Incident One Year Ago, we can... rule out? we can rule out this somehow being a closed time loop where the goal is to go back a whole year into the past?
since we already know the full identity of the dead firefighter now?
there's no room for it to secretly be us or S or whatever anymore?
that's true
that was possibly the only Ji motive I had
the whole Yu Guang theory is also missing a motive but I can imagine one a little better now
maybe ji's just trying to save us? it seems like the universe has it out for us in particular, the same way the universe had it out for qian yuan's brother back when qian yuan was trying to save her brother.
like, who do we think Yu Guang heard this rumor from? Qian Yuan seems like a possibilty
i mean, it's easy to say 'fuck the defeatist mentality if i were there i could do it' but qian yuan did it a buncha times and according to her every time she stopped her brother from dying one way her brother would die a totally different way, and it started to get really contrived later on
apparently at one point her brother got gunned down by the cops somehow.
she didn't explain how.
so maybe we, being the person in the time loop who's dying every damn time, am going to die every damn time as well.
and ji hasn't gotten around to accepting that yet.
with yu guang culprit theory i could see some kind of generally wibbly-wobbly 'take revenge on the Se family / reclaim my position as the heir' thing
assuming yu guang is somehow one of the lost Se heirs, which i have ZERO evidence for other than their themed names, then we could be looking at a prince-in-exile thing, which helps explain all the extra helper maids
those are the maids who want to change the power structure or whatever
yeah sorry i forgot to translate that part
it was in the middle of her being very very dramatic about how terrible it is to be stuck in a time loop
I asked this before but are their names possibly themed at all in Chinese or no
why would they introduce plot spoilers by theming the names in translation
qian yuan's name makes more sense now actually
she talked a lot about falling into an endless abyss during her despair-of-time-loops backstory explanation slash confession scene
and her name translates to 'thousand abyss', which i mentioned is a chuuni-as-fuck name
but it's on-point thematically now
but like who the fuck names their kid 'thousand abyss'
that's SUCH a fucking bonkers edgelord name
i... think yu guang's name can sort of be translated to 'sun' if you squint, like, you have to take the translation of 'yu' that means 'firmament' rather than 'galactic outer space', which makes his name 'light of the firmament', i.e. the sun
i'm starting to suspect that everybody in this story has a themed name
anyway that means he's the antagnost to se yue or something
if yu guang is secretly a heir to the se family there's so many questions that raises though
like why he hasn't told anyone, why se yue doesn't recognize him, why nobody recognizes him,
and i feel like it's looking more and more likely that it's going to turn out that way, whether he's the culprit or not,
but i cannot think of a good reason for him to keep it secret in worlds where he's not the culprit.
did he forget somehow??
ji hengsheng's name- i remember going 'oh this is a pretty normal name yeah' but given that it turns out every other character's name seems to have hidden meaning i might as well revisit her name
the characters on their own don't really have a significant meaning, but the component radicals they use include the characters for 'eternal/consistent' and 'life'
so read one way you could maaaaybe interpret the meaning of her name as 'one who wants to live a slow-and-steady life'
read another way, you could aaaaaalso maybe interpret the meaning of her name as 'one who seeks eternal life' or 'one who constantly aspires towards living'
that last read would be particularly fitting in the ji-is-S-and-doing-all-this-to-save-us-the-way-qian-yuan-tried-to-save-her-brother culprit theory.
ji hengsheng is an escapee from flower
Should we have an "S" emote?
Just use this emote: 🇸