Part 5

we've got to be past the halfway point in this game, right? let's see how much further i can get.
last time, we saw our girlfriend collapse and then got together with our backup girlfriend before S showed up and killed both of us.
this time...
this time, our protagonist despairs momentarily, thinking about how he's incapable of saving anybody, and how, because of his incapability, all of his friends are dead. Ji Hengsheng, Yu Guang, Qing Yuan, Se Yue- all of them are dead.
they've all been used as fuel, and now none of them will come back. he is alone.
our protagonist is ecstatic and hugs her.
why didn't she get used for fuel though,
how's she alive
what exactly is this
why wouldn't the culprit murder her off for good if that was within the culprit's power?
a chinese visual novel with underwater timeloop murder-mystery characteristics
i've been liveblogging it
oh, huh
search for my username + 'rail of mobius' and go back to the very first post for the various timestamps
if you're interested in catching up
loop 48, 3AM, and, we're... back in the vip bedroom.
...if i were them, what i'd do at this point would be... gather up all the maids and have them freakin' just, surround us in a circle of human shields, at this point.
like, whatever you do, DON'T do the exact same as last time and just post a few guards outside the door when you've SEEN that's clearly ineffective, okay??
forget about trying to keep track of the kids and just centralize everybody in one place to keep an eye on them.

Se Yue: ...Feels like you've changed a bit from the you of two days ago.

Wu Shi: Yeah, I've made certain realizations about myself.

Se Yue: Mmm, that's good.

Se Yue smiles.

Se Yue: As a reward, I will share my biscuit straws with you!

Wu Shi: Uhhhh... nah, I'm good, thanks.


Se Yue: Eh? Come on, you don't need to resist it, I'm really willing to share these with you.

Wu Shi: Why are you acting like you're bestowing some great honor on me?

Se Yue: Because these biscuit straws are highly precious!

Se Yue: Usually my family doesn't let me have these. They tell me that snacks aren't good for your health.

Se Yue: If it weren't for the fact that there's nobody to watch my every action on the Tour of Time, I couldn't even have smuggled these on in the first place!

Wu Shi: ...You've worked really hard for these, huh.

Se Yue: Let me tell you, you all are too used to having cheap snacks readily available. You've got no respect for their luxuriousness.

The more I got to know this haughty young lady, the more I saw there was another side to her.

I supposed everyone had an imperfect side to them.

hey, dude, that's rude.
calling people imperfect.
After that brief moment of cute-point-establishment-by-the-story, we're back to- god- infodumping.
christ, i have to translate this technobabble again, god.
okay, uh.

Se Yue: So, last time, we were explaining how absolute time is defined by the time perception of humanity, and if there's only a single person riding the train then that person's time perception represents all of humanity, meaning that one person's experience of time is equivalent to Absolute Time.

as a side note: i'm not quite sure how to translate the term they keep using here, 时间观- i've been translating it as 'time perception' or 'experience of time' but it could also be translated as 'understanding/model/paradigm of time'? see, this is the kind of hellish nonsense i'm dealing with. translating this stuff is like, an exercise in forcing me to really stare at the text and understand what the characters are even trying to say, in a didactic way.

Wu Shi: Last loop you also explained that you had no way to change Absolute Time.

Se Yue: So, we won't change it. Under this prerequisite, we can still pull time to the past.

Wu Shi: What is this? A tire?

Se Yue: Isn't it self-evident? It's a clock.

What a hypermodernist depiction of a clock.

Se Yue: Now, this is the clock we use normally.

Se Yue: Modern humans use a base-twelve system, as the representative units of time.

Se Yue: Which is to say, the Absolute Time right now is 3AM.

i have to translate every single line here word for word because i'm pretty sure i'll accidentally misinterpret something if i don't do that.
this segment is so ridiculously dense with...
i think calling it nonsense is being charitable.

Se Yue drew in an hour and minute hand. The long minute hand pointed towards 12, while the short hour hand pointed towards 3.

Se Yue: Now, let's make some changes to this clock.

yoooo she just gonna invent time travel by moving the hands on a clock
why we never think of that

She drew in some modifications.

Se Yue: Can you tell what's been added?

Wu Shi: A thirteenth hour...

Se Yue: In this new clock, the angle represented by the 3rd hour is smaller than previously, right?

Se Yue: Thus, time has moved backwards, right?

Wu Shi: ...So that's how it is...

this is gonna be "fly around the world to go back in time 24 hours" level logic isn't it
god it's basically that i can't even. this is so fucking ridiculous lol
oh my god nevermind
it's worse

Se Yue: From this image we can see that, if we are capable of inserting the nonexistent thirteenth hour, then Absolute Time will be forced to move backwards relative to its previous position.

Se Yue: The forward progression of the Tour of Time is the forward progression of the time axis.

Se Yue: The twelve cars of the Tour of Time represent the twelve numbers on the clock.

Se Yue: Therefore, adding a thirteenth train car is equivalent to adding in a thirteenth hour.

it's- this is straight-up MYSTICISM.
oh my goddddd
no, deep breaths, maybe there's still something, maybe she's just using it to symbolically mean that each train car has a unknown device X which controls one twelfth of a single day's worth of time particles or something-
my brain cells dyin

Se Yue: This is also why we need to use the dead as fuel, and furthermore it must be someone who died less than 12 hours ago.

Se Yue: Only those who have passed beyond the living world possess the unique property, of having a perception of time which does not exist in this world.

Se Yue: From the perspective of mysticism, this is because death desynchronizes the physical corpse and the soul, but doesn't completely detach them

Se Yue: The 13th boxcar that carries the dead person thus becomes the 13th hour that does not exist in this world.

okay. we're in the world of magic now. we are using the power of symbolic magic to channel the power of the witching hour to reverse time or something. souls. jesus christ, we're really talking about souls.
stop mocking me.
this is a mockery isn't it. aaaaaaa.
maybe she's giving a Wu Shi a dumb wrong explanation to trick him or to hide a deeper secret

Se Yue: That's how the Tour of Time is able to achieve the reversal of time while keeping the user's Absolute Time constant.

Wu Shi: Wow..... that's incredible.


Se Yue: Well, it's not that incredible. There's some flaws to the design.

like, oh, the corpse thing?
actually, y'know- ignoring all of this absolute fucking nonsense about soul-powered witching hour time travel,
we did learn something useful last loop, which is that, apparently, qian yuan used the time machine at some point.
which implies of course someone who died in the last 12 hours had to be used as fuel, right??
there's no way that's throwaway backstory.
qian yuan has got more backstory stuff to her. except she's already dead so ??????
maybe S has a revenge motive? maybe cesium used someone important to S as experimental fuel?? who knows.
or maybe S is just offended on a cosmic level that this is how the universe works.
se yue's sin is in inventing this incredibly fucking stupid thing and thus retroactively making the universe stupider.
Okay, so, apparently the flaws is, that originally they were hoping to make a costless time machine- the idea was that, by going back 12 hours to the past, the person they'd used as fuel would still be alive so it'd essentially be costless. they didn't realize that the fuel's 'perception' would also be brought back in time, and that they'd still have the perception of a dead person, leading to Lost Time Syndrome, where everyone used as fuel on a particular loop would die instantly at the beginning of the loop for no obvious reason.
Se Yue also concludes, of course, that since she has no memory of the future AND that she hasn't died of Lost Time Syndrome, that her corpse must not have been brought to the thirteenth car and been used as fuel last loop.
(okay, so, whose corpse WAS used, then??)
wait so did they just like ... kill someone on accident in their first test run
possibly? wu shi hasn't asked about that in detail yet.

Wu Shi: Okay, so, how many people have suffered Lost Time Syndrome now, then?

Se Yue: 48 people.

Wu Shi: So that makes S a killer for fun?

Se Yue: No, remember, every loop requires the use of a new source of fuel.

Wu Shi: Oh, riiiiight. Sorry, this is all a lot to take in.

Se Yue: Furthermore, even if S didn't need to kill anyone, fuel would automatically self-generate anyways.

Wu Shi: What's that mean?

...i, wh, okay,
did Wu Shi seriously forget that
has he spent 0 time thinking about S's motive

Se Yue: The user is constantly accumulating time; in the second loop, their hearts contain the equivalent of two 3AM's worth of Absolute Time, which means that more Fuel is needed to counterbalance.

Se Yue: 48 loops of time requires 48 units of fuel.

er, this is just obvious right?

Se Yue: To fulfill this requirement on a causal level, the universe will use all sorts of bizarre methods to automatically take lives away from people.

....okay, so, Se Yue's saying, that S doesn't even have to commit murders, by using the time machine S will cause people to die independent of S needing to do jack shit
what a perfect fucking murder method, honestly. blind nontargeted death-notes.

Se Yue: In the loops prior to this one, some small fraction of these people may indeed have been directly killed by S, but the absolute majority probably died of inconceivable accidents or coincidences.

...this smells like the game is setting up a morality escape hatch for when the culprit turns out to be one of our friends.
wait, is she saying that S can just activate the machine and it'll kill someone at random? instead of S having to kill a person and drag them to the machine?
i think that's what she's saying.

Se Yue: In the last loop, besides me, there was likely some other victim, and S chose to place this other person in the train car. That's why I didn't fall over from Lost Time Syndrome at the start of the loop.


Wu Shi: Could it have been because they were a member of Cesium as well, and thus had some degree of respect for you?

Se Yue: No, I'm pretty sure that respect and being beaten into hamburger are incompatible, you absolute fucking moron.


Se Yue: In any case- in the most extreme case, as the number of victims increases, S will show his identity sooner or later, through the method of elimination.

Se Yue: There's only a hundred students and a hundred maids here; by that logic, once we reach the 200th loop, the only survivor will be S by default.

oh so now we know the number of maids there are on the train huh
one per student
it's weird that the game has never established this number before this,
but i guess that nobody but se yue has a reason to know the exact headcount of the maids.
i mean, presumably Hengsheng is faking her death to hide her identity
oh totes
obviously yeah
like this is a classic and then there were none scenario honestly
i mean, there's ONLY five named characters and of those five three of them are dead
and it sure as hell can't be se yue because we saw her and S in the same room just last loop
and of the dead, really, only hengsheng has dramatic standing here to be the culprit i think
unless the game is about to go off HARD into exploring Qian Yuan's shadowy backstory with time travel
which she apparently has and which we know nothing about
or maybe it's
she hasn't died yet right
she died yeah
maybe wu shi was used as fuel and that's why he was supposed to die 🤔
oh wait really
in the gif with the random nameless students
she was the first one in the bodybag
but then why don't he diiiieeee
is the time god really real?
fuck, maybe the time god's real
i think wu shi didn't die because he was gifted time by the stranger who sacrificed his life for him
i mean, if we're going to start reasoning with magic, why the fuck not, i guess
because if you go back in time and save somebody from dying, they only actually need to lose the 12 hours total, right?
it sounds plausible enough from a magical perspective
pull a lily potter
i feel like this is the level of magic reasoning the story is going for
oh we do actually know that the random firefighter died on accident.
but that was a while later
my original theory was that wu shi is being sent back in time manually by S,
but according to what se yue said,
if there's no other complicating factors that'd mean that wu shi would need that massive amount of fuel as well, wouldn't he??
we'd be seeing two people randomly dying each loop rather than just one.
unless somehow we're only on the 24th loop? i dunno.
let's continue.
i don't trust Wu Shi to have counted, sadly
oh wait he made tally marks
Se Yue suggests that S is doing some kind of sick experiments or something, trying to master the limits of time travel and figure out what can be changed and what cannot be changed. Which is, yeah, kind of what S claimed to be doing, implicitly.
Se Yue believes that S is one of the maids.
Sadly, every maid has been entirely faceless and portrait-less, other than Qian Yuan, so it cannot be them by default, unless this game is crazy enough as to not give the culprit a talksprite.
it's only a matter of time before a game does that, if nobody's done it already
Wu Shi brings up the 'i am blessed by the time god and that's why i keep my memories' theory to Se Yue.

Se Yue: Yeah, that sounds about right. It's a reasonable theory.

Se Yue: ... But I still think that the fact that you've got your memories intact could be due to a deeper cause.

oh thank god someone here's halfway sane
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
I think there was a detective novel with Poirot where it was a servant without a name or sth

Se Yue: If only Qian Yuan were still around. She's the only person I know who's actually directly used the time-machine, she has hands-on experience that I don't. I only know all of this as theory.

Wu Shi: Perhaps S killed her specifically to prevent her from telling us anything useful she might have known...

Wu Shi: So, how do we end the loops?

yeah, like, can we detach the 13th car, blow it up, smash the... i'm still presuming there's some technology involved here even though the way se yue has described it makes it sound like a fucking kabbalistic marriage of minds
...nope,. the story's not going in that direction.

Se Yue: We just need to make S give up on looping.

Wu Shi: So, we can't get around finding out who S is, huh. We have to figure out the identity of S so we can make them stop looping...


Se Yue: That, or we can disassemble the three necessary components for the time loop.

oh it's a choice segment
hey, don't fucking diss the SCABMOM

The three required elements of the time loop are...

Water, air, and sunlight.

S, Lost Time Syndrome, and a sealed underwater environment.

The operator, fuel, and the Se family crest.

all of these things are required.
we're being fucking QUIZZED over all that nonsense huh
#3 i guess?
oh, i guess #2 is better for the question we were posed
they also need the sealed environment right? but i feel like it isn't #2
i mean they can't break the saeled environment without dying, it's not super actionable
i think if we're thinking of "things to break to stop the loop" then #2 makes more sense to #3
and they can't stop lost time syndrome either, that's not actionable either
it's #3.
feels like that's kind of just back to square 1, but
#2 seems more abstract, whereas #3 seems things more specific to Se Yue's specific architecture

Se Yue: Yep. So, that means there's three actionable ways to stop the loop.

1: Don't let the user board the train.

2: Don't let the fuel get loaded into the thirteenth train car.

3: Don't let the crest get stolen.

The first one ain't exactly actionable at this point so that leaves 2 and 3.
god please tell me you have a manual detach for the 13th train car.

Se Yue: The first one isn't exactly viable anymore; the second one is difficult for you, because you die at noon today, and that means you have no power to affect the 12 hours after your death.

Wu Shi: So why don't you do it, in my stead?

Se Yue: I can't.

Se Yue: What do you think will happen, if it becomes obvious to S that I've become your agent?

Se Yue: S will take steps to stop me, permanently.

i mean, you're already kind of a target to S, given you've got the frickin' crest on you, and- really it's very strange why S hasn't already used you as fuel, honestly. perhaps they're worried you'll become difficult to reach if you just die at the start instead of walk around on a predictable pattern??

Wu Shi: Okay, then we're just left with the third option- prevent him from getting the crest.

Se Yue: I feel like that's also useless.

Wu Shi: Why?

Se Yue: According to you, I haven't been able to keep the crest from him a single time.

Wu Shi: So just give me the crest and let me hide it.

Though my suggestion seemed reasonable, she didn't hand it over, and instead took on a peeved expression.

I knew what she was thinking, immediately.

Was this person S?

From her perspective, this was the first time we'd had a real conversation, and she had no real guarantee that this wasn't exactly how I talked her out of her crest on every loop.

Maybe I'd 'changed' so much, only because I'd had 48 loops to grind out a perfect attack strategy to convince her to hand over the crest that was key to the time machine.

y'know what, yeah, that kind of makes sense.
i mean, if i were Se Yue, i would ABSOLUTELY not buy the time god bullshit.
it's much simpler to assume the person i'm talking to with time travel memories is just, the time traveler.

It was natural for her to hold suspicions, but how could I convince her to hand it over otherwise? I-

Se Yue: Okay here you go.

i fucking guarantee, i guarantee, that she wasn't thinking at all about him being S, she was thinking 'oh no the Se family has a tradition where you only give your crest to the person you want to marry!!! wah i can't give him my crest that's too embarrassing!!!!!'
😭 1
or something of that line of nonsense.
i guarantee it.
that would be
very dumb
but, heyo, she gave us the crest! and it's off her talksprite now.
what a dumbass
i would be filled with an irresistable urge to laugh darkly and be all like, 'you fool, you've fallen for my master plan!' at this point
just to fuck with her

Wu Shi: W-weren't you still thinking about whether-

Se Yue: As the heir to the Se family, I'm not such a poiseless weakling as to be unable to put my trust in a total stranger.

Se Yue: Wu Shi.

Se Yue: Even though I can't imagine it, it must have been exhausting to go through so many loops, right?

Se Yue: Such a thing would surely be an experience even I couldn't endure.

Se Yue: But, you've still made it this far.

Se Yue: All of this surely has a meaning.

Wu Shi: Even if... I haven't accomplished a single thing?

Se Yue: Aren't you being silly?

She slapped me on the cheek, lightly, with the palm of her hand.

Se Yue: The fact that you're still alive, now, is surely salvation to many others who no longer are.

Se Yue: What you have and haven't done are irrelevant.

Se Yue: Whether you have value or whether your life has value, those aren't relevant either.

Wu Shi: But, it took 48 peoples' disappearances for me to come this far.

Just like before, buying my own life with the lives of others...

She slapped me again.

Wu Shi: Stop slapping me!

Se Yue: I will when you stop being an idiot!

Se Yue: You're only thinking of what's disappeared, but you're not thinking of all the things you've accomplished.

Wu Shi: But I just said, I haven't accomplished anything-

Se Yue: If you weren't alive, I wouldn't have been able to learn any of this!

Se Yue: If you weren't alive, I couldn't entrust this mission to you.

Se Yue: Even if the past you hasn't done anything yet, that doesn't mean the present you is incapable of doing anything, either.

Se Yue: Even if the present you has no great deeds to their name, it doesn't mean that you can't save others in the future.

She smiles at me.

great pep talk, lady
very heartwarming flute track in the background
ji hengsheng still best girl though
ok but also
he hasn't accomplished jack lmao
it is still somewhat frustrating that he STILL hasn't VISITED the damn TIME MACHINE
come on, at least try to sabotage it or something.
anyways, wu shi is very emotionally grateful for se yue for believing in him, etc. etc.
then he's like, 'it's almost 4, that's when S usually attacks you'
'however, luckily, there's no way S could possibly get in here, because this time we've locked the doors and we've posted way more guards in front of the door, so if S dares to attack us from outside the room he'll get overwhelmed and pinned down for sure.'
and THEN,
and i regret it was too fast for me to screencap or record,
and then the game fucking JUMPSCARES us with S coming out from under the bed like a fucking horror monster.
apparently S has been in there the whole time somehow????
which is just- god, like, whomever it is, they sure can move FAST
they switched into the S costume and then BEAT US to the front of the train and then just WAITED THERE FOR US???
how did they beat us there???
not the first time she surprised us from a bed
is there a secret tunnel under the bed?!
ok actually it does seem like it would really hard for Hengsheng to pull this off, yeah
and so, we- wait, what, we're not looping?? we're at 11:50, loop 48 still. it's 10 minutes before we're scheduled to drown again.
which is maybe the most evidence we have against her so far?
it would be hard for ANYONE to pull this off is the problem
ji hengsheng and yu guang and qian yuan are ALL at the bonfire and they ALL collapse at the same time
whichever one of them it is, they're racing us to the front of the train
guess they could go over the roof
it's just a very implausible scenario unless it's some completely unknown culprit X
anyways, we wake up apparently 10 minutes before we're scheduled to drown, and,
Se Yue is giving the same announcement again- 'The Tour of Time is about to reach the terminal station. All personnel, please fasten seatbelts for your own safety.'
i... guess she DID record all of her announcements in advance, huh.
the alternative hypothesis is that.. S came out from under the bed, knocked us out, and then... worked with Se Yue??
or let Se Yue go for some reason?
y'know, the REASONABLE interpretation here is that Se Yue is straight up S,
and we, uh, sort of... like if you think about it, in the universe where Se Yue is S,
we basically cornered her in her own room and demanded she give up her time travel crest,
and she wasn't sure how to respond because, being S, she really did not want to give it to us.
but ultimately she was like 'oh wait i can just, have my backup paramilitary maid under the bed beat him up and take it back.
like, 'Se Yue set this whole thing up where S is hiding under the bed' is a much more reasonable interpretation than 'somehow, one of our friends beat us to the vip room of the train where se yue sleeps, and was somehow able to sneak in or was allowed to enter before we did.'
....i typed all that reasoning and then nope
we wake up and it turns out se yue's there WITH us.
guess SHE'S the one who's going to be drowning with us, this time.
so se yue DEFINITELY prerecorded all the announcements, then.
wu shi freaks out again, and, once again, loudly yells at S, demanding to know just what S's goals are.
i wonder if S had been trying to get that information from Se Yue? and now that they have it, they're finally ready to just kill her

S: Have you considered, what would happen if I abandoned the time loop?

Wu Shi: Just- time would progress forwards again, right?

S: And what would happen to those who died of Lost Time Syndrome?

Wu Shi: ...

S: If usage of the Tour of Time is abandoned, their deaths will become immutable.

S: If it were you, what would you do?

S: Stop the loops and allow the deaths of 48 people to become an immutable fact?

S: Or continue to loop, knowing that every loop causes an additional person to lose their consciousness?

So maybe S is trying to save everyone on the train
maybe the train's destined to crash horribly and kill EVERYONE onboard,
and compared to that, 48 people dying is preferable
because the alternative is already total fatality
well, no, if that's the case, the question is how S survives, because if S is here that means S isn't at the 13th car loading corpses into the magic soul furnace or whatever the fuck.
oh, nevermind, as soon as S says that, S just walks off.
i guess they've gotta get to the end of the train and start loadin' them corpses in asap.
The same start-of-game scene plays out again, but Wu Shi's confused at how Se Yue's able to make announcements when she's clearly lying right here.
He concludes it's likely prerecorded.
why is S always bloody
guy's the chef, he hides in the ketchup container between murders
gohdatrice confirmed
Wu Shi, for once, doesn't completely panic here as the glass starts cracking and water starts pouring in.
He grabs Se Yue and starts trying to find a way out.

Wu Shi: Keep calm and think. There must be something useful that you've learned from all of this.

if he kills Se Yue and then destroys her body, it can't be used as fuel and then she'll be alive the next loop
have you tried destroying a body within like three minutes
it's harder than you'd think
that's why i just said "destroys her body" instead of anything more specific 🤣
can't even use fire or anything, too much water

The outside is full of water already. I can't open the doors to escape- the pressure differential is too much.

But there's something I know that not even S does, because S is never in this room when the flooding itself occurs.

At the moment that the water fills the room, the pressure differential will equalize, and the doors will become openable.

But I have to wait for the exact right moment...

guy's finally trying to be proactive


As the room fills up with water, I take a huge gulp of air and dive beneath the waves.


I swam upwards with everything I had!

I trusted the Se family's engineering- even if there'd been flooding, it couldn't possibly have caused total structural collapse of the tunnel.

At the top of the tunnel there SURELY had to be trapped pockets of air somewhere.

See? There's light up ahead.

Swim towards the light-

guy's trying so hard!
but it's no good.
Something hits him in the neck with massive force, and he feels himself beginning to lose blood in the darkness.

So, my death is predestined, is it.

Will the loops still continue after this? I don't know.

But even if they did, I wouldn't get a chance to speak to Se Yue again normally.

Because of my intervention, it had become more and more difficult for S to claim the crest from Se Yue.

If I were S, I'd definitely try to intercept the two of us at Midway Station, and prevent me from even being able to meet Se Yue.

That meant that this loop was the last chance we had.

I continue swimming upwards for my life.

Somewhere in this vast blue sea is the future that I've been fighting to reach!

y'know what, i'm impressed. guy's actually doing something.
and it pays off! he actually manages to surface and find a pocket of air!
😮 1
i'm still kind of confused about the physics & layout of stuff here but i'll just roll with it
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Yeah ahah

Se Yue: Khhhack, gack, gah!

Wu Shi deposits Se Yue on some piece of floating something-or-other in the darkness, and Se Yue wakes up.

Wu Shi: Heya, young mistress.

Wu Shi: Thanks for all that encouragement.

Wu Shi: It has been my pleasure...

Wu Shi: ...To be able to have met you in this life.

And then, running out of energy, he lets go and lets himself sink.

Se Yue: WU SHI!!

Se Yue reached out to me, but at this point I was too weak to even grab onto her hand.

Se Yue: Wu Shi, don't diiiieeeeee!

i think the reasoning is that- the tunnel has a circular cross-section
as long as the part that broke is any part other than the immediate top of it
some amount of air ought to get caught above the point of entry of the water
until the air is compressed enough that the incoming water pressure and air pressure equalize.
Wu shi, sinking away from the light, thinks to himself about how he finally understands that his purpose was definitely to rescue Se Yue. Se Yue was smart and powerful and capable- surely she would be able to stop S's evil plans from coming to fruition.
man you're going to be really fucked up when you wake up in the next loop and se yue is dead aren't you
the game just kicked us back to the title screen
maybe that was the end
not even an end screen, just, kicking us back, with the game extremely noticeably highlighting the Start button
are we getting ddlc'd
is that what's happening
it seems plausible
although i only have a very vague idea what that means
oh, lordy, it is what's happening.

Se Family Head: You are someone special.

god, fuck, yep, this is from se yue's perspective
okay, y'know what,
i am
going to take a breather.
i don't think i can handle diving into se yue's childhood backstory at this point, i'm kind of exhausted and this is a natural cutoff point.
i guess we're at least going to get to see qian yuan's time travel incident
that's going to be a useful point of data
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
I think Yu used to be on the title screen?
So him being replaced by Se Yue makes sense if we re going to change protag
title screen has changed a bunch
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Yeah but the MC was a constant iirc?
yeah this looks like a full out protag change
i doubt it's going to change again, though
apparently se yue and wu shi are the two headliners on the banner for the game in my steam library
so we won't get to play as hengsheng 😦 😦 😦 😦 😦
i'm beginning to think that wu shi / ji hengsheng aren't the endgame OTP :'(
😭 1
i will be SO upset if this game doesn't give us wu shi / ji hengsheng
Gonna riot
Deleted User
If this really happens then we can throw the devs into the 13th boxcar as fuel
😂 1
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Is there anything disproving the maid is S yet?
not really!
it could be any of the dead kids honestly
i zeroed in on ji hengsheng because she got all the earlygame spotlight, but if the game's going to take a detour into se yue's backstory we might get enough on qian yuan to make it more dramatically satisfying for it to be her
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
It s actually
The three
Ji his guyfriend and the maid
Working together to push them as a cluple
They re even killing off each other to make it more believable
🤣 2
I hope it doesn't turn out to be an alternate Wu Shi or somethin, that'd be boring
btw i forgot to comment on this earlier but i gots to dunk on my bro: not going to give the name for privacy reasons obvs but zero's real name is absolutely a 5 on the chuunimeter. it's hilarious. "zerovirus" is actually less chuuni than the one on the official paperwork.
"oh, uh, yeah, right, i'm like a 3, or a 4, ha ha ha, don't worry about it" says the man who might as well be named Gundam Murderdeath
The murderdeath part is an exaggeration. More like ‘unit 001’.
So, y’know, next time you see some random anime waif that’s named Subject Zero or Unit Alpha or some other ridiculous thing, remind yourself it does occasionally happen in reality too!
What were his parents thinking
Deleted User
you made a mistake in assuming that his parents were thinking when naming him
The other option was apparently something a taoist wizard suggested
😂 2
there was a choice to be made between wizards and robots, and they chose robots
which explains a lot
I was going to suggest zero was little X Æ A-12 but not old enough
anyway I was feeling like qian yuan was super underutilized as a character so I'm glad we're going to presumably be seeing a lot more of her shortly