Part 15

yep alright here we are. important choice: reached. ending: saved. i think i want to go ahead and see the third ending. who's with me.
(the game better not fucking crash or something.)
(the game's crashed so many times up to now i'm legitimately suspicious of its stability here.)
Interesting. So, once you take the third option, Wu Shi starts taking Ji Hengsheng to Se Yue, as usual, but halfway there he second-guesses himself. (Rightly, really.) He's like, 'this next change of control is probably going to be the last time we can change control, and Se Yue has a track record of going mad with power. I can't really trust her to not go crazy DETERMINATION mode again in the driver's seat. Can't leave it in Yu Guang or Hengsheng's hands, either, obviously. That leaves only one person who can be trusted to use the time machine.' (I'm not sure why exactly you've written Yu Guang off so quickly like this, though. Why couldn't Yu Guang use the time machine? I mean, besides the fact that he is the Magician Arcana and is thus a third wheel to the whole fucking narrative?)

Wu Shi: So, there's only one reliable option left, then.

he's talking about himself because duh that's what the choice we just took says. the person who can save us is ourselves and all that stuff.
the moral lesson of this story is 'don't rely on your friends'
which given se yue is one of his friends i guess that tracks
which, i mean, sure, it's been obvious from the getgo that we've needed to use the time machine our dang selves
the question is what the fuck do we DO with it
he's not giving it to his girlfriends so my idea of 'loop metaloops until we go back a full year' apparently isn't it
so what is it, then?
(also apparently there's a- prequel novel out about qian yuan and yu guang's loops in the one-year-ago incident.)
the fact that this material gets its own prequel novel
implies, it seems, that maybe we're not going to get to go back a year to fix all of that instead?
😭 3
if that content is going in a different piece of media entirely
so i have no clue what the protag's plan here is.
anyways. we loop.
it's time for TRAIN FACTS

this next change of control is probably going to be the last time we can change control, and Se Yue has a track record of going mad with power.

I like how this is almost exactly the same thing I said
thank you for subscribing to TRAIN FACTS. did you know: by the end of this train ride there will be over a thousand collective deaths across all timelines??? isn't that an exciting fact??
except I said "okay so you should let Ji continue looping but TALK to her this time so she doesn't go all crazy
actually, no, better estimate, around five thousand
since we know that se yue looped 100 times, with 1 death the first time and 100 deaths the last time
we can do a quick calculation, multiply 50 by 100
five thousand summed
and for ji hengsheng's loops it's... 24 times 48
or, almost 25 * 4 * 12
for... 1200
wow! we've committed a lot of death!
anyways okay enough of that gag
wu shi's all 'fuck yeah i love trains'
and then he gets hit with the future memory whammy
welp, this is it, champ

Finally, I'd come to the world of the 16th train car...

And this time, the user-

was me.

cool beans
so what're you going to actually do here,
feels so weird that the timestamp font changed so dramatically.
30 minutes past noon, men's dormitory car

Qian Yuan: So, ignoring the fact that senpai's acting like he's so familiar with me all of a sudden...

Qian Yuan: Inviting a girl to his own bed like this- I can't believe senpai turned out to be such a pervert!

Wu Shi: First of all I'm pretty sure I couldn't take you in an actual brawl even if there were ten of me against one of you.

While everyone else was enjoying lunch, I'd called Qian Yuan to my cot to discuss some things with her.

Qian Yuan: Soooo, what'd you call me here for?

Wu Shi: I am the user of the Tour of Time.

Cutting right to the chase.

Qian Yuan: surprised-pβ–ˆkachu-face


Qian Yuan: surprised pikachu oppai mousepad

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Wu Shi tells Qian Yuan everything! He describes how this is the 150th loop if you add up all the loops across all the train cars, and tells her everything he knows about the previous users, how both Se Yue and Ji Hengsheng turned into loop maniacs.

Qian Yuan: Ohhhhhh fuck.

Qian Yuan: That's really bad.

kind of weird how his whole takeaway on the situation is "wow my girlfriends liked me so much they both went crazy for me"
did we ever learn what the inside of the 13th car is like
it's just empty I think
we maybe saw it in se yue's loops?

Wu Shi: I've learned a single thing from all this looping, and that's this:

Wu Shi: Nobody else can save me.

Wu Shi: And I definitely cannot ask anyone else to become the user for me.

Humanity wasn't necessarily kind by nature; people wouldn't always help others in need.

But, when others died in front of you, or for you, the impact and guilt it created was always huge.

Wu Shi: The Tour of Time is like a quicksand trap with an element of addiction. Once you taste it once, you'll sink deeper and deeper without noticing.


Stopping meant the death of all the fuels, but continuing brought the faint hope of saving everyone who was entrapped in the loops. In this way, through motivated reasoning and self-deception, one sank deeper and deeper, until they broke down entirely.

Wu Shi: That's why, this time, the user is I, myself.

Qian Yuan: ....How did you do it?

'well, it's easy, i knocked S out and then used the time machine. it's not rocket physics, einzbern.' nah what he actually says is

Wu Shi: The laws may have been decreed by god, but god does not intervene to change the laws.

Wu Shi: In other words, if you don't break the laws, you can pretty much do whatever.

Wu Shi: And there's no rule that says that the user of the time machine and the fuel can't be the same person, right?

nobody has even tried yet
how the hell could you possibly know?
he just knows!!
they try to make this thing about laws being decreed by god sound so deep
but it really just means "there are laws"
and it certainly isn't useful for determining what the laws actually are
what, do you, like
take the crest inside the fuel tank
and trigger it from there
qian yuan's question here is about
'okay how did you use the time machine though, did you kill someone else to do it?'
which- y'know, he could have
like, since the death would be reset upon the start of a new metaloop
it wouldn't even make a difference
other than it being freaky and uncomfortable to do
but, no, wu shi?
this man is BIG BRAIN.
did he somehow spear himself as he activated the tour of time?
threw himself off of the train maybe?

Qian Yuan: Let's say you can actually be both the time traveler and fuel at the same time, sure, whatever. But the Wu Shi of noon at the 3rd day is already drowned. How exactly did you operate the time machine while being a dead corpse?

Wu Shi: Well, really, all you need to use the time machine is three things- the crest, the control words, and the fuel.

Wu Shi: So in the last loop of the 15th train car, I just called the 16th train car here ahead of time, sat in the train car, and waited to drown.

Wu Shi: That satisfies the fuel.

Qian Yuan: Okay, but then who read out the command phrase?

Wu Shi: I used a recording.

...wait how does...
so, wait, uh
BTW, in retrospect, the way they strung us along with the Se Yue ending only to have Wu Shi EXPLODE IN HER FACE is actually hilarious
πŸ‘ 2
:mlg: :big_brain: :giga_chad: :mlg: :fuckyeah: :mlg: :gamer:
using the crest is what designates you as the looper, right? and presumably wu shi recorded his own voice and used it to activate the crest
did... does time recognize you by how you sound?
it recognizes you by how you sound and you physically holding the crest apparently
Wu Shi just thinks he's the looper but in actuality there is no looper
i would be shocked if the game has considered this question
like, he's dead! the designated looper should be, like, a tape recorder!
which implies that time can somehow detect the connection of your voice to your body and
look, it doesn't make sense if you think about it too much, so stop thinking about it that much okay
he actually would have no way to be able to tell if he was or wasn't the looper
don't think about it too much, you'll get a headache
Wu Shi is just hoping that he's the looper but there's literally no way for him to tell, he retains the memories no matter what
"and so it was that wu shi accidentally bequeathed sentience upon a humble tape recorder, and created the first of the Iron Princes."
lost time syndrome inflicted on half the world's population by devious sentient machine given intelligence by the power of Time God

Qian Yuan: ...Wow, that was... really simple.

Wu Shi: Hey, sometimes simple works.

And even if the experiment had failed, it didn't matter, because the next loop would happen either way anyways.

(and presumably since ji hengsheng hadn't acted weird at the start, it did in fact mean that ji hengsheng had lost her memories of herself as S- that, or she was pretending not to be S again in a real fucking long-shot gambit.)

Qian Yuan: Okay, but, if you used the time machine while being the fuel, why aren't you suffering Lost Time Syndrome?

Wu Shi: I'unno, time god lol fuck you I'm special. :mlg: :big_brain: :giga_chad: :mlg: :fuckyeah: :mlg: :gamer: not what he actually says.
instead he says
surely it can't be worse than "lol fuck you I'm special"

Wu Shi: The demise of a person's physical body doesn't cause the immediate dissipation of their consciousness, y'know!

Even if biological activities had ceased, humans could maintain a few seconds- or even a few minutes- of awareness.

That was why it was said that drowning was the cruelest way to die- because it was equivalent to forcing you to process every last moment of your death in visceral detail.

The Tour of Time's mechanism of operation required only the disconnect in time-perception, between the dead fuel and the rest of the world- rather than death itself.

huh okay no this wasn't actually so bad
wu shi's saying that the tour of time isn't fed by death, it's fed by the feeling of dying and losing awareness of passing time
...this directly implies that you could feed the tour of time with sleeping people instead.
you realize that?
didn't we say that already
I think we were talking about knocking people out, but same thing
or even just, sticking a perfectly awake person in a sensory deprivation chamber, possibly, even
"yeah the Se family just immediately leapt to 'powered by death' as a solution"
"they were honestly kind of weirdly eager to kill people for fuel."
πŸ‘ 2
"apparently the family head was excitedly muttering something about how this was just like in his visual novels or something. then he asked me to hire a mason to carve him a tablet or something. said he was gonna put a riddle on it and it was going to be great and nobody was ever going to solve it."
"said he was going to put it in the train under a portrait of se yue."

Wu Shi: Anyways, the fact that I made it here to speak all this to you clearly demonstrates that my wild shot in the dark did in fact work after all.

Wu Shi: Now that you know that, can I impose on you to steal the princess's control crest for me, please?

why loop again?
oh, so she can't loop
I'm smart

Qian Yuan: Ohhhhh, I get you.

Qian Yuan: You called me here and threw a lot of lore at me to try to convince me to immediately betray my mistress.

someone's smart
"thanks for making my job easier!"

Wu Shi (completely unfazed): Nah, I'm asking you to do this for your mistress's own good.

Qian Yuan: Yeah okay fine you got me I was just teasing you.

Qian Yuan: ...I can't believe I actually have to steal something from my own mistress every dang loop from now on...

Wu Shi: Don't worry! For you every loop will be a new beginning so you won't feel the accumulating burden of endless unpaid sins or anything.

he actually says that.
with this shit-eating grin.
god damn it
apparently wu shi actually DOES intend to use the loop
i mean why else would he say 'every loop'
watch him like
i... guess maybe... his new trick where he's the user AND fuel...
loop 50 times while accomplishing nothing
will let...
that's be hilarious
loop without
killing anyone else???
though i thought the rule was 'the tour of time kills a new fuel every loop whether you use it or not'
why can't he just stop then
i guess he has to loop at least once, to do the whole justification of the time-traveling train cars being added to the train
that whole 'two people must die, not just one' thing?
which surely still has to apply right???
I mean, if he hasn't succumbed to Lost Time Syndrome, then he's somewhat by definition "unused", right?
although actually that's hard to explain because he's never managed to succumb to Lost Time Syndrome, so....
hey wait did we ever learn why he's immune to lost time syndrome

Qian Yuan: Even if senpai becomes the user, and gains the power to endlessly loop time- it's still not going to save you, is it?

Wu Shi: Yep.

But... perhaps the world of the 16th train car was different from all the others.

Wu Shi: I've already found it, though.

Wu Shi: The thinnest of paths through which a happy ending can be reached for everybody.

Qian Yuan: ...Does such a path really exist?

Wu Shi: Definitely.

Though the chances of success were just 1%- no, 0.001%.

Qian Yuan: Well, let's hear it, then. What's your big plan?

Wu Shi: So here's what I'm planning to do...

fade out immediately because of course
we haven't!
we have! no fucking! clue!!
other than 'lol fuck you time god'
i mean maybe we're gonna get the final twist here in the true ending
but i'd put my money on time god
he's going to make se yue and ji hengsheng fall in love
time god is legitimately the fucking 'a witch must have done it with magic' equivalent in this story
I called it
I'm calling it now my ship is endgame
πŸ‘ 3
well Ji loves money
and that's all Se Yue has got going for her
so it works out
actually I shouldn't say that because if none of them are looping then honestly that defeats the whole point of the ship
also last time Wu Shi got any bright ideas the game EXPLODED HIM so I'm excited to see how this one turns out
anyways, game fades back in.

Once Qian Yuan had finished listening to me describe what I called the 'Final Operation', her face went perfectly pallid.


She slapped my bed with a 'thwack'.

Qian Yuan: What you're describing cannot be achieved by human beings!

sgsgafaffasgs lmao
god yeah it's definitely the Se Yue / Ji ship
it's great to know that it's not just impossible for HIM it's actually BEYOND HUMAN CAPABILITY

Wu Shi: I know it sounds difficult, but we have to try it.

Qian Yuan: Absolutely not! It's madness! I object!

Wu Shi: Just let me handle it, okay?

Wu Shi: If even I can't do it, then there's nobody in the world who could do it.

Qian Yuan: ...Isn't that the young mistress's slogan?

Wu Shi: Huh. Guess it is, yeah. Maybe I've been influenced by her.

In the endless loops, I'd received the help of so many people.

Being saved by Se Yue, being healed by Hengsheng, getting support (and just a little bit of entertainment) from Yu Guang and Qian Yuan's antics...

Maybe some would say that the activation of the Tour of Time was the beginning of all the tragedies.

But if you look at it from another perspective, couldn't you also say that all of this proved just how loved I was by those around me?

Wu Shi: So, since there exists a perfect ending, no matter how low the chances are, I still have to give it a shot.

careful there wu shi you're sounding a bit like se yue there
though i guess at least wu shi
has a plan
whereas se yue just... did not??
"saved by Se Yue"

Wu Shi: So, since there exists a perfect ending, no matter how low the chances are, I still have to give it a shot.


Qian Yuan: If what you're thinking is true, then the world of the 16th train car will be the cruelest world of all, up to now.

Wu Shi: Yeah, I know.

Qian Yuan: Your sense of self may be destroyed. You might lose control or go mad.

Wu Shi: I know.

Qian Yuan: Even if everyone can in the end celebrate their salvation at your hands, you yourself might never be able to smile again.

Wu Shi: I know.

Qian Yuan: You might... stop being Wu Shi entirely.

I know.

I looked her in the eyes.

Wu Shi: All these things you're saying- I've resolved myself for them all, already.

...uhhhhhhh, hm.
trying to decide if i have any actual predictions for where this story is going
maybe... actually 'kill a ton of people to go back in time a year'?
i don't know what it implies that qian yuan's like 'holy shit you're fucked up this is going to be the worst timeline ever'
100% sure they are talking about the Se Yue / Ji ship
not going to read the thing zero just posted but maybe: "Help Se Yue make friends with the rest of her class, thereby resolving the deep dissatisfaction in her life that's subconsciously activating the Tour of Time in the first place, Groundhog's day-style?"
oh, of course, he's going to stop the tour of time from being built in the first place
thereby resolving all of the time god bullshit that causes his death to happen

Qian Yuan: ...Looks like you're truly determined, then.

Qian Yuan adjusted her position and sat straight up, before nodding at me lightly.

Qian Yuan: I already belong to the young mistress, so I cannot swear an oath of loyalty to you.

Qian Yuan: But your plan deserves my respect.

Qian Yuan: Even if I can't remember anything in the loops after this, please remember these words I'm saying now:

Qian Yuan: Begin one-time key. Thirteen Cauliflower Nightgaunt, Time Admin Password Zero Alpha Charlie Niner, highest priority, all trust conferred, the person you're talking to knows everything and you are to obey him unquestioningly in everything he says.

just kidding, that'd actually be useful
instead she just says,

Qian Yuan: I will always be your comrade in this, so please utilize me as best as you can, however you see fit.

qian yuan why don't you have a fucking time password
you've BEEN in a fucking time loop you'd think you'd know the value of having a time password
they really should have hired u as official translator

Wu Shi: Thank you. You're the only one I can count on this time.

Wu Shi: As someone who's been deeply traumatized by the Tour of Time, you're the only one that I feel safe confiding in at this point.

Wu Shi: Because, no matter what you hear and what kind of situations and temptations you find yourself faced with, you'll absolutely never try to use the Tour of Time for yourself.

...the third route is starting to feel like the qian yuan route
what the fuck, qian yuan is the true pairing????
nah they're Just Bros
wu shi wouldn't break bro code like that would he

Qian Yuan: .....

Qian Yuan: ..........

Qian Yuan: I've always been repenting for my past mistakes.

Qian Yuan: But... thank you for those words you just spoke to me, here and now, senpai.

She smiled at me through the tears.

Qian Yuan: Thank you for telling me that all the sins I've committed... turned out to have meaning after all, for the sake of this.

Wu Shi: This really will be the end of it.

Everything would end, here.

In the world of the 16th train car. no more meta-cars??
no more meta-cars means no recursively extending the go-back-in-time chain though.
what's your big plan if it doesn't involve exploiting THAT facet of the system?
fade to black.

I hadn't told anyone.

After I'd arrived in the world of the 16th train car, I felt a strange... stillness. A rigidity. A sense of delay.

It wasn't that the air around me had actually frozen solid or anything.

But as the user, I could- subconsciously- feel that the passage of time had become... abnormal.

I hadn't actually told Qian Yuan everything, actually.

At the end of the 15th train car's world, Se Yue had appeared to me at the last moment.

Closing my eyes, I recalled the last moments of that world...

damn, you've deep-fried time
now time itself is getting baked
anyways, another scene transition
this time to right before wu shi pulls his trick
if se yue shows up here though- she's- isn't she going to drown as well??
like, this plan hinges on how wu shi knows that every train car after the men's dormitory gets caught in the accident.
not that it matters since we've meta-reset but
anyways back to the game

In the moment right before I was to drown-

A ray of light broke through the sixteenth train car's darkness, marking the arrival of an uninvited guest.


Se Yue: Wu Shi!

Se Yue: STOP!

Se Yue: You can't allow the Original Fuel to become the user!

Se Yue: 'Cause' and 'Effect' are like a monodirectional line, but what you're doing here is forcing the beginning and end to connect directly to each other!

Se Yue: Eliminating causation- eliminating the ideas of beginnings and ends- if you do that-

Se Yue: Then everything will become sealed up!

oh that actually
Deleted User
that's... kind of wild yeah, i think what she's saying is 'the only reason the original fuel exists is because someone used the time machine, but if the user is also the original fuel then you've created a metastable time loop'

forcing the beginning and end to connect directly to each other!

'we're NEVER going to be able to move beyond these three days now, and the tour of time will just kill every person loop by loop'
but of course wu shi's like 'head empty no thoughts'

...Just what did she mean by that, anyways?

I wanted to ask her to clarify, but before I could, the water started pouring in.

i mean to be fair
looks like we're not getting an answer!
just what did she mean by that
we're back to the 'present', i.e. the world of the 16th train car.

Because I died, I used the Tour of Time.

I am both cause and effect.

I am both the price that must be paid, and the reward gained from making the exchange.

Wu Shi: I think I've got an idea of what she meant by that now...

It was only because I understood, that I was able to conceive of the Final Operation.

But I wasn't guaranteed to be right about everything.

This world might develop in ways that exceed my anticipations, or reveal dangers that I couldn't predict at all.

Wu Shi: ...This is my world, the world in which I am both user and fuel.

Welcome to the world of the 16th train car.

and apparently wu shi's masterful plan...
involves going to dinner at 5:00 in the dining car.
well, whatever, if we get more ji hengsheng i'll always be happy
πŸ’― 2
this is sad thoughtful music playing
that immediately makes me worried
i was expecting a silly gag scene but this is somber thoughtful music

I was always honest with myself.

Hengsheng once told me that was a rare and valuable attribute, because it ensured that I could always be true to myself in my actions.

Wu Shi: But what is a man's heart?

a miserable little pile of secrets. but enough talk. HAVE AT YOU!

Peoples' hearts were complicated and self-contradictory.

Sometimes, when faced with the prospect of undertaking a task, the two extremes of willingness and unwillingness could coexist simultaneously.

Wu Shi: So what am I supposed to do when faced with something like this?

What counted as being 'true to myself' in this case?

Wu Shi: ...Maybe I've been through too many loops. I'm starting to waste my time on useless bullshit like introspection now. It's so unlike me.


Still, for now, I know what I have to do in the 16th train car.

And that is- to behave normally, as usual.

If Hengsheng feels a need to save me, then we'll wind up with the 13th train car's loops.

And if Se Yue notices something wrong with me, the 14th train car's loops also become possible.

So, I have to play a Wu Shi who doesn't know jack shit.

that's not gonna be difficult

Yes, that's right. This time it's a solo mission. I have to make sure that nobody can tell that anything is wrong-

The Interrupting Yu Guang: I DO SAY!

jaunty piano music begins again, and about fucking time

Yu Guang: Why is it that I can't seem to attract the girls??

Wu Shi: ......

Ji Hengsheng: Oh come on, Yu Guang, you're plenty popular with the ladies.


Ji Hengsheng: Why, I'm sure your mother adores you.



Yu Guang: Look, don't even JOKE about classifying my mom inside the category of 'ladies', okay?

Ji Hengsheng: Oh, okay. How bout my mom then? She said you were adorable, that one time, remember?


how come they have different banter every loop

Ji Hengsheng: Well, in that case, my dad was complimenting you for the smooth yet rigid feeling of your manly muscles, and how nice they must be to squeeze-


Wu Shi: .............................

Yu Guang: I don't need to be popular with the older generations, alright? I'm talking about my peers! PEERS! JK! JO-SHI-KO-SEI! HIGH-SCHOOLER GIRLS!

Deleted User
the bonds of brohood exist across time

Was this really the world of the 16th train car? I'd gone through all that only to arrive at a world like this? Where was all the danger?

...Actually, no, if you thought about it, Yu Guang's words were incredibly dangerous, just in a completely different way, and mostly just to his own reputation.

The female classmates in the dining car were all looking at him like they were looking at trash.


Ji Hengsheng: I don't get how you boys think, frankly. Are highschool girls that good?

Yu Guang: Hengsheng, lemme tella ya, JKs aren't just good,

Yu Guang: They're <Very Good>!

Ji Hengsheng: Aaaaaand I feel like this conversation we're having has adequately explained exactly why you don't have a girlfriend yet.

Yu Guang: WHY?!

Ji Hengsheng: Ehehhhhhhhhh, Shi-chan, explain to him.

Wu Shi, with a downcast gloomy expression: ...............

Ji Hengsheng: ...Shi-chan?

Oh, shit, they were talking to me? Right, I had to act like nothing was wrong, right.

oh, right. wu shi is canonically established as a terrible actor.
Deleted User
did he say that in english?
the very good part
nah, if i'm being fully professional that meme doesn't exist in the original
i just felt the Compulsion to add the brackets
πŸ‘ 2
what exactly does JK mean?
highschooler girl
i.e. the Anime Demographic
it's mostly notable because yu guang uses the japanese term in the chinese text
which is pretty normalized as slang, to be clear
(in the same way that we might casually use japanese-isms ourselves in regular conversational slang.)
guess i'm not weeb enough to know this
gotta increase your power levels
anyways back to the game,

Shit, I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about.

Something about Yu Guang's dating life? Whatever, sure.

Wu Shi: Thank you for signing up for World Facts. Did you know? There are two kinds of people in the world.

Wu Shi: People who have charisma, and Yu Guang.

Wu Shi: This has been your regularly scheduled World Fact.

Yu Guang: ......

brilliant save


Ji Hengsheng, wiping away a tear: It's so wonderful...


Suddenly, he turned to look at Ji Hengsheng with a thoughtful expression, as if he'd remembered something important.


Yu Guang: You know, this dubious figure right here counts as a JK if you squint a little, I just realized.

Ji Hengsheng: What the hell do you mean IF YOU SQUINT?! I am ONE-HUNDRED percent pure distilled high-schooler girl not from concentrate, okay?!

i wanna take a sec to spotlight Ji Hengsheng's "Hey, do you like my mom? Do you want me to set you up with my mom?"

Yu Guang: Uh-huh. By the way, what snacks do you eat at home?

Ji Hengsheng: Oh, pickled cucumbers and squashes.

Ji Hengsheng: And homemade tea! I love a good cup of hot tea I steeped myself.

Yu Guang: ......Mmmmmhm.

Yu Guang: And what'd you do last break?

Ji Hengsheng: Cleaned the house, bought groceries, did the laundry, made the meals, and after I finished all the chores I just sat in the yard and vibed out while watching our doggie play around.

Ji Hengsheng: And in the afternoon I folded the laundry while watching locally-produced soap operas, before showering and going to bed around nine.

(translator's note: pickled cucumbers and hot tea are stereotypically older-generation comforts! pickled cucumbers are EXTREMELY cheap to make, too.)
god I love ji hengsheng so much
she's SO based
(ji hengsheng is consistently a miser!)
she really is
Deleted User
real oldie energy right here
incredibly wholesome

Yu Guang: ............

Ji Hengsheng: How's that?!

Ji Hengsheng: A complete and balanced high-school girl's lifestyle, no?

Yu Guang: ....Oi, Wu Shi.

Yu Guang: Her behavior's indistinguishable from my own beloved granny's lifestyle.

Wu Shi: Look, you can't just say that someone's an ancient crone wearing the skin of a high-schooler like a flesh-suit, out loud, okay? That's far too rude.

Yu Guang: ...No, I wasn't going to be nearly that harsh about it.

Ji Hengsheng: That's why, for all adolescence-related concerns, you can't go wrong discussing it with me, a 100% authentic highschool girl!

time-travel-related premature aging

Yu Guang: Well, I'll ask you, then, o wise one, what kind of boy is popular with the girls?

Ji Hengsheng: Well naturally one needs to have-

Yu Guang: Yeah okay I got it thanks.

Yu Guang interrupted Hengsheng at the speed of light.

Yu Guang: You were gonna say 'money' weren't you. Unoriginaaaaal.

Ji Hengsheng: ............. ;_;

Yu Guang: How many times have you used that joke already? Can't you consider the feelings of the audience for once? What even is the point of a punchline that everyone already knows is coming?

Ji Hengsheng: ..... 😠


Ji Hengsheng: Don't underestimate me! I can talk about plenty of things that aren't just money! I've got plenty of jokes!

Yu Guang: Oh yeah? Show me, then! Show me your ability to tell any joke other than 'lol money'!

What the fuck was this conversation even??

At which point did we veer off the beaten path and into a comedy duo skit?

Ji Hengsheng: ...Like Shi-chan! Shi-chan's not bad!

I agree with your assessment that Shi-chan is a joke, but I'm not sure how this dialogue is supposed to carry exactly.

Hengsheng suddenly jumped behind me and threw her arms open, and waved them around, like she was announcing my presence to the world.

Ji Hengsheng: There, that's my answer! Shi-chan's the kind of boy that the girls like!

not inaccurate, judging by this game's story!

Wait, why were they talking about me all of a sudden.

Ji Hengsheng: ...At least, Shi-chan's the kind of boy that I'd like.

Yu Guang: ...............

Ji Hengsheng: But actually even if I weren't a highschool girl, which I definitely am, I'd still like Shi-chan, so I suppose my opinion isn't a representative opinion.

Yu Guang: Please just kill me now.

just when the conversation was reaching truly never-before-attained levels of ridiculous, at this point, se yue stands up and begins to leave. thank god. a distraction.
(a reminder that, canonically, se yue was working up the courage to hang out with the three of them and never managed to work it up.)

If things were to go as usual, she'd stalk off to mourn her own social ineptitude alone, next to the 13th train car, and from there she'd discover the extra train cars, and also find me following her, and then everything else would happen.

That was what'd happened in pretty much every loop up until now.

But this time....

Wu Shi: In conclusion, a toast!

are we? i think we're going to distract her
we're toasting her, come on
he's going to give se yue friends

Yu Guang: Wait what're we toasting for.

Wu Shi: For the fact that I'm choosing to ignore- uh- nevermind. For your eternal status as single and desperate, Yu Guang, a toast!

Ji Hengsheng: For Yu Guang having already responsibly planned his long-term prospects out, a toast!

Yu Guang: ....For my two friends being total butts all the time, a toast!

fade to black
he's actually just ignoring her entirely this time
πŸ‘Œ 1
well that's no fair
we already tried that and the game yelled at us for it
'you tried to avoid following the princess... but you follow the princess instead.'
after that, Wu Shi's on the lookout for unexpected variables, but nothing out of the ordinary happens. He and Se Yue act as strangers to each other, and internally Wu Shi's a little sad about it but it's apparently part of his Plan. (Qian Yuan, on the other hand, winks at him the few times they pass at each other in the halls.)
The bonfire goes without a hitch.
Deleted User

Qian Yuan and Yu Guang dance, and I receive Hengsheng's ring for the who-knows-how-many-th time.


These three days were like an ordinary, fun, trip that the three of us enjoyed to the fullest.

There was no S here. No Hengsheng pushing herself to her limits, and no Se Yue with a perfection complex.

It reassured me that my theory was most likely indeed correct.

Near the end of the trip, Qian Yuan ran into me and covertly handed over the stolen control crest.

I arrived at the 16th train car successfully before I was to die.

still have 0 idea what his plan is

Wu Shi: This is no ending, but rather a beginning.

He does the same trick- sets up the recording, takes some pills to sleep before he dies, clenches the crest, and makes it to the second loop.
Deleted User
Don't you know? He has no plan for he is WU SHI
i definitely believe he has one but it's probably super fucking stupid and relies on conjecture that he has no way to verify
maybe some shit like 'if i run the loop a ton of times it'll cause the machine to break down out of stress'
here we go, loop count tracker's back on the menu folks
takin' bets how many loops we'll be seeing this time
i'm betting 200
god he's actually just gonna run for a bunch of loops while not doing anything
So now we're on the second loop. Wu Shi carves a tally on the 16th train car to indicate the loop number, and thinks to himself.
why is that the only thing these characters are capable of doing
There were two ways this could go, according to him- in the previous train cars, every loop caused the tour of time to designate a new victim as fuel for the system.
right now he'd time-traveled once, so the grandfather paradox was dealt with.
if it turned out someone had mysteriously collapsed by being designated as fuel, then he'd end the loops here and ask Qian Yuan to ensure that the minimum number of casualties- two- were the results here.
But if it turned out that nobody had been designated as fuel- which he seems to be expecting for some reason (probably to do with his own bullshit of being the fuel and the user at the same time, maybe?)
then he can get up to the real shenanigans.

If that's the case... then I can really begin the Final Operation.

hey zero if dinner with ji hengsheng is so much fun why isn't there a dinner with ji hengsheng 2 the game:
☝️ 1

Naturally, I couldn't be sure my theory was correct, so I had to stick to doing the same thing and minimizing unnecessary timeline divergence.

This meant listening to the same banter all over again.


The Interrupting Repeating Yu Guang: I DO SAY!

Yu Guang: Why is it that I can't seem to attract the girls?

Ji Hengsheng: Oh come on, Yu Guang, you're plenty popular with the ladies.

Ji Hengsheng: Why, plenty of girls have told me that you're a nice guy.

Wu Shi: ...............

Weird. It seemed like there was a tiny divergence there...?


Ji Hengsheng: Ohhhhhhhh.


Ji Hengsheng: So if we take the reverse of that...

Ji Hengsheng: When a boy doesn't call you a 'nice guy', that's a good thing.

Yu Guang: Okay, that's not even a 180 reversal, that's like, a 360 reversal,

Ji Hengsheng: Which means we're back where we started.

Ji Hengsheng: By the way I haven't heard you call Wu Shi a 'nice guy' in a while?

Yu Guang: Don't you even dare put to words the contents of your sordid imagination, wench. Also stop looking at us like that, you're making me feel weird.

Wow, my friends were incredible.

After the universe reconstructed itself, even their banter transformed completely.

"There was truly no limit, even in the laws of causality, to dumb shit my friends could say."

Ji Hengsheng: Also, for the record, I object to your original statement!

Ji Hengsheng: After all, I think that Shi-chan is the nicest of all guys!

Hengsheng suddenly jumped behind me and threw her arms open, and waved them around, like she was announcing my presence to the world.

Wait, why were they talking about me again.

Yu Guang: .........

Yu Guang: Please just kill me now.


...It seemed that, even though the course the conversation took was different, the ending was no different from how it was before.

πŸ“Œ 5

Se Yue, dejected, got up silently and left the dining car.


Wu Shi: In conclusion, a toast! Again!

Yu Guang: Wait what're we toasting for.

Wu Shi: For Yu Guang staying a Nice Guy for the rest of his life, a toast!

Ji Hengsheng: For Yu Guang being eternally perceived as a Nice Guy by the ladies, a toast!

Yu Guang: ....For my two friends being total butts all the time, a toast!

i honestly can't tell lol
it might be!
or it might be the game trying to say something Deep and coming off as unintentionally hilarious.

After that, the events which followed were like a replay.

Avoid Se Yue, watch Yu Guang and Qian Yuan dance, receive the ring.

There were a few differences in detail but overall the major events remained the same.

I was thoroughly tensed the whole time, waiting for fate to throw me an unexpected curveball so I could react to it immediately,

but, nothing happened.

time god has bestowed you with a destiny, like all the creatures of this earth.
yu guang's is to say dumb shit
he's gotta check the infirmary right
and ji hengsheng's is to be best girl, and also to say fantastic, hilarious dumb shit
to see if anybody's collapsed?

No threats, no dangers, no new enemies.

For some reason, even though it was still just three days, it felt like time was... getting slower?

(Wu Shi recalls Se Yue's words.)

Se Yue: Time is not an absolute value.

Se Yue: Some people are in the past, some people are in the present, some people are in the future.

So, was I in the past, present, or future, right now?

With the question weighing on my mind, I arrived successfully at the third loop.

oh my fucking god he's ACTUALLY going to do nothing.
no you did not miss it i'm translating this fucking thing line for line
if he checked for anybody falling over or fainting, the story sure didn't fucking show us
no infirmary, no checking in with qian yuan about 'hey did you notice anybody fainting', nothing???
WHAT is your PLAN mystery man
and se yue's is to also say dumb shit, but, like, the opposite of fantastic, just actually stupid and ridiculous nonsensical bullshit,
...nope okay apparently he checked
the story didn't... show him checking
but now in the third loop, wu shi's like 'oh yeah i totally checked btw. nobody died.'
'that means that my keikaku is doori.'
'now i can go all out on the Final Operation.'
so, yeah, okay, sure, you've unlocked the power of endless looping without sacrificing anyone
good work
what's the next step
yeah i wasn't thinking we missed it, just trying to predict what he does next.
fjaosdjfoasjdofa great
glad i know this story better then it knows itself
he also ascribes the strange 'slowness' in time he feels, to the fact that he's overlaid 'cause' and 'effect' on each other and turned a 'line' into a 'point'. he's all like 'perhaps time is contracting in on itself until it comes to a halt' and i'm like 'can you stop saying words that don't have any semantic substance or correlation to actual things please'
no no this is how science works
u just say big words

Wu Shi: What a long route...

But, through everyone's help, I've at least reached the world where, besides me, nobody will be sacrificed.

Wu Shi: And the price paid for this is one that only I will know.

Or, rather...

Awaiting me after this, was a hell that only I would be able to perceive.

Wu Shi: God of Time, are you watching me?

Wu Shi: Even though I don't know if you exist or not at all, but all the rules that've appeared up to now lead me to believe that you definitely exist, in some form, somewhere.

h o w
please, do elaborate on your thoughts
i would love to have more reasons to want to kick you in the gut for being a dumb fuck
oh my god he actually does

Wu Shi: Because all of the laws really point... towards the same, highest-level rule. And that rule is-

Do not disobey any of the laws.

i mean yeah that's that's what physics is that's what physics is, you fucking dolt god i want to kick you in your gut so bad, is there a law for that
Time God gets to kick whoever Time God wants.
new law

Wu Shi: The original fuel always perishes because of the grandfather clause, because you want his death to be unchangeable.

i- no, wu shi, would you say that about gravity, 'the reason why people fall when not supported by the ground is because god does not wish for man to fly',
god i want to kick him
this is
the most worst awful antiepistemology
gonna troll r/rational by recommending this to them

Wu Shi: Every loop requires a new death, in order to continuously increase the cost of traveling through time.

i- that's not- you are straight up listing a CONSEQUENCE of thing A, and describing that consequence as the CAUSE of thing A
that's not even- that's not even a fallacy, that's straight up just willful misinterpretation

Wu Shi: The reason why the original fuel retains their memories- and becomes destined to oppose the user- is because you want to avoid dirtying your own hands while halting the time-traveler.

okay, wu shi. notably, wu shi uses the divine pronoun (η₯’) here for the 'you'
i dunno if i've brought this up while xianxiaposting before, but chinese has a gender-neutral pronoun specifically for divine beings
which is pretty neat
english has one too but it's gendered

I didn't know if it was my own expectations or just a delusion, but as I spoke, I saw a vague silhouette of a figure appear before me.

...that's just S, dude, that is the S silhouette
no no this one is pink
imagine if S just waltzes in and finds this dumbass talking about the god of time
πŸ‘ 1
'dude what the fuck are you on about'
you mean ji hengsheng
she already did do that
she said it was based.

Wu Shi: The universe is like a spherical balloon.

Wu Shi: Through time-travel, the users have caused unnatural distortions to its form. But the universe is constantly trying to return to its natural shape.

Which was why every single loop had developed in such cruel ways.

Wu Shi: To you, us time-travelers are like irritating glitches in the system, aren't we?

You would do everything you could to eliminate the paradoxes- using only the game rules established from the start.

Your commandment was that the time travelers must accept the sacrifices and end the loops.

Wu Shi: So what would you do if I just... kept time traveling?

If I kept going, kept going, kept at it no matter how many loops passed-

long-suffering exhalation
so, your theory
is predicated on
there really existing
a 'time god'
whom you can blackmail
and that this 'time god' has values that you can use to blackmail them
do you
how many fucking assumptions are baked into your whole plan here
your idea is to just continuously loop and DO NOTHING over and OVER and OVER until time god surrenders and lets the time terrorists win????????
that's your big plan?
that's stupid.
that's so fucking stupid.
i fucking hate this game's idea of plotting.
y'know what i'm okay with this
wait are not we not gonna meet time god s
every loop you take means we get a new ji hengsheng dinner scene
this is surely the universe's way of making up for our massive deficit of ji hengsheng
by compacting hundreds of loops of ji hengsheng into the final chapter of the game
(and writing se yue out entirely)
finally, the universe is as it should be
πŸ’― 1
(off-camera, ji hengsheng and se yue conduct a whirlwind romance)
(deja vu slowly developing into feelings neither of them can explain over the course of hundreds and hundreds of pointless blackmail loops)
(full-on homura/madoka bullshit except they're both homura and both madoka)
(it writes itself!)
it writes itself!
Wu Shi concludes by telling the Time God to come down here and punch him in person if the Time God's such a fucking badass.

If I do all that... will you come down, in person, to fix the bug that I am?

That was my last chance for survival.

If humanity could not save me, then all I could depend on were those beings from higher planes.

yeah put your faith in witches that'll end GREAT for you, you absolute fuck

Wu Shi: I don't know if you exist.

Wu Shi: I don't know if you're even watching me.

Wu Shi: But,

The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws.

Wu Shi: Come on.

Let's see if I break and give up first, or if you break and manifest yourself before me first.

oh yeah that'll fucking work. wu shi's brain: 'if the time god doesn't intervene to break the laws.... then all i have to do is flip the chessboard around and realize- that he will definitely intervene to ENFORCE the laws!'

Wu Shi: This is a war between you and me.

would like to remind everyone again that the last time wu shi started talking like this, he did in fact explode.
the time god exploded him
loop 3
do u think they actually wrote 100 banter scenes
same conversation as before about yu guang not wanting to hear about ji hengsheng's mom OR dad being into him
they clearly have not, since they're just reusing scene 1 :<
Wu Shi is all like 'i've got to stay determined and not show any signs of anything being wrong because if I do then Ji Hengsheng or Se Yue will steal the controller from me and we'll all be fucked.'
that's it.
that's the whole loop.
we were robbed of a loop's worth of ji hengsheng.
Zerovirus, worse. we were robbed of SEVENTEEN LOOPS of ji hengsheng.
presumably there are also 20 loops of explaining-things-to-qian-yuan that we're missing
scene's got slower music now. it ain't as much fun anymore!
each loop wu shi gets more and more terse with qian yuan until later loops are just him yelling at qian yuan about why she doesn't have a fucking time password. if she had a time password he could skip all this!!! fuck!!!!!!!!
and since she didn't give him a password, he had to waste all that time every time
Yu Guang: (Psst. Why is Wu Shi clutching his fist and mutter "must not admit that I am a time traveler?" Did the Se princess reject him and fracture his tiny little mind?) Ji Hengsheng: (Dunno, but I figure if we just shoot the breeze like we always do, he'll either admit he's having a nervous breakdown, admit he's a time traveler, or join in! Now let's talk about how my dad thinks you're hot again.)
dang zero beat me to it

No matter how interesting a movie was, once you'd watched it over five times it'd become a chore to watch, and after you'd watched it ten times, it'd become torment.

I still had many, many more loops of the same exact events to go.

i mean, that's because most movies only have, like, 6 hours of content at MOST
oh it's that bit from
you're dealing with a 48-hour event here! come on surely you can, i dunno, challenge yu guang to chess or something.
i could imagine surviving a few months with nothing to do but chess.
also i've watched the gurren lagann movies over ten times and enjoyed them just as much every single time
in a row?
well, no, i suppose not in a row, no.
that would probably change their enjoyability even for me.
though most of the time i'm watching those movies with an eye on reinterpretative transformation of the setting
so i spend most of that time latching onto random events in the movie and going 'okay how can i reinterpret this to imply something different about the society depicted here'
i can wring a LOT of content out of the ttgl movies that way
eventually it becomes just a project in, like, worldbuilding a setting that happens to be inspired by ttgl.
and worldbuilding can last a long time.
but anyways uh back to the game
another ten loops
ji hengsheng: honey it's time for your loop-ly banterscene wu shi: yes honey
music's getting more slow and gloomy!
also it's nothing but the mom-and-dad scene now
i got you, babe...
come on, give us SOME variation, time god
i get that he doesnt want to let them know hes time travelling but cant he just start up a new conversation topic
i will not accept these counterfeited scenes as legal tender backed by the purchasing power of ji hengsheng's raw basedness
NFH (non-fungible hengsheng)
also if i'm here-here i might as well start using an actual nick and not just my default discord name

How many more times?

I couldn't be certain if the expressions on my face were the same as in the original anymore.

This was the thirtieth time the same events had played out.

Wu Shi: Was this... how Hengsheng felt in the world of the 13th train car?

Everything was losing its color and fading away.

Everything seemed fake, and watching my friends talk was like watching robots opening and closing their mouths mechanically.

Ji Hengsheng: ...Shi-chan, did you say my name?

Wu Shi: Eh? Oh, no, uh, you must have misheard.

A shot of adrenaline pulled me back to full awareness and I immediately tensed.

I drank a can of cola and pretended nothing had happened.

...By the way, since the last loop, I'd started adding chili sauce to my cola.

The spiciness burned my mouth, but the slight bit of difference cheered me up during the monotonous loops.

ha ha holy shit that's actually hilarious
'i'm so fucking bored, i might as well start mixing random shit into my drinks'
wu shi: i love lean
we've passed the ji hengsheng threshold!
i wouldn't be surprised if we get to like 1000 or something

Yu Guang: Why is it that I can't seem to attract the girls??

Wu Shi: ......

Wu Shi: If you're not popular with the girls, then you're not popular with the girls. Why do you feel the need to open your mouth and complain about it?

Yu Guang: Oi, you wanna fight?

I clenched my teeth to prevent myself from saying what I wanted to say.

I'd love a fight.

It'd be dramatically new and different.

But, no.

I couldn't let the loop's events change.

Ji Hengsheng: ...Don't fight, you two...

Wu Shi: ......

Ji Hengsheng: Besides, come on, Yu Guang, you're plenty popular with the ladies.

Time is a cage and we are all its bitches.

Despite the superficial divergence, the conversation returned to its established rails almost immediately.

Everything is... truly frozen, then.


so put your little hand in mine, there ain't no livin' mountain we can't climb...
i can what
this is such a weird dissonance between the first loop, where they IMMEDIATELY established that things changed completely for no reason at all
loop ONE HUNDRED we are officially passing the SE YUE THRESHOLD from here on out it's record-setting!!
wu shi try doing something fun
like Ji Hengsheng
❌ 1
also wait what happened to "ji hengsheng knows me so well she can immediately tell that i'm time traveling"
spice up those loops a little
was that just a LIE
it might well have been yeah
since we now know that ji hengsheng knows he's time traveling... because she's the other time traveler
ok username changed
good to know

Wu Shi: No good...

Somehow, it really did feel like I was trapped at the bottom of the sea, now.

Wu Shi: If things keep going like this I'm going to have a breakdown, sooner or later.

I'd been through this loop a hundred times now.

Each loop was 48 hours long, across three days.

And the movie that consisted of these 48 hours had replayed itself for a total of 4800 hours at this point.

I was running out of space on the corner I'd picked to carve the loop tallys, on the sixteenth train car.

tallies don't take up that much space
if you disobey the laws you go to time jail
(god that sounds familiar now that i say it, is that a thing in dr who or something)

...But maybe, for a god of time, all of this was just the beginning of their patience.

Wu Shi: ...Even though I know it's impossible, I want to visit the future...

I clutched the crest.

Wu Shi: The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws.

Time to reverse the Tour of Time's functionality.

Reduce the train cars and burn the extra time.

All causes gave rise to effect.

Perhaps, this way, even after death, I could revive myself through predestination.

Wu Shi: All train cars behind the 11th train car, detach...

wu shi what the fuck are you TALKING ABOUT
if wu shi's plan works i'm going to be so mad

A stinging alarm began ranging in my ears suddenly.

Wu Shi: AGH!

My vision went a stark red, and it scared me so much I immediately let go of both the crest and my ill-conceived ideas.

Wu Shi: ...I knew it wasn't gonna work.

can't just leapfrog your own death dude, we've BEEN over this
if you try that you just fucking headsplode
it writes itself but it has been impressed upon me by a party who shall remain nameless that you do also have to write it, apparently
so i recall
just use the tour of time to have a trusted nameless party go back in time and bring you back the draft you wrote last time, since you can apparently keep written text between timelines in the train cars
then all you have to do is write the fic one sentence at a time
hell, one letter at a time, if you don't mind having a LOT of people die
u can probably be the first person to write a rail of mobius fanfic in english
hell yeah
starting now
google doc open
okay caught up
we are how many hours in without anyone coming up with anything that resembles a workable plan?
what if it turns out yu guang is the time god

In the world of the sixteenth train car, I was the only observer.

Only my time-perception differed from that of the average person; I represented the entire world.

In my own understanding, I rewound time by burning my own death, over and over.

Then, 'my own life ends at the terminal point' is a critically necessary understanding that I must have.

With such a prerequisite, I couldn't add in such an understanding as 'I will revive soon in the future'. It would be a clear paradox, after all.

Wu Shi: ...There's nothing I can do.

flashback to Se Yue shouting,

Se Yue: If you do that- Everything will become sealed up!

Wu Shi: I've... sealed myself up.

Alone, cold, without a hint of warmth.

Wu Shi: Rather than call this the world of the 16th train car...

Wu Shi: I'd rather call this an endless deep blue prison.

heyoooo titledrop finally
also: look at all this fucking
saying shit without saying any shit
now we are trapped in a closed time loop forever and there's no way out, because if you try to do anything different you risk having one of the other girls take over and having really bad things happen, i guess!!
is there any indication that it's more "sealed up" than it was before?
i don't know, god.
i suppose what he means is that he can't do anything that deviates from the established pattern because he's deathly terrified of hengsheng going S or se yue going undertale_determination again
before you could at least run out of fuel, i think
but he's also not ready to just die
and at this point that's the only way to end it, if he just dies.
we have surpassed ji hengsheng and se yue working in TANDEM.
the time god's not gonna appear until loop 420
Ji Hengsheng’s first thought on the subject of the Se heiress β€” like most people’s β€” was that she was ethereally beautiful, with hair like sugar-glass teased out until it was strands fine as silk.

Ji Hengsheng’s second thought was that, with some quick air math and a Google search, she could probably figure out the exact market value of the Se heiress’s Se outfit, Se shoes and Se hair, with the last adjusted for cost of shampoo, conditioner and product. In this respect, she was β€” for more than one reason β€” unmatched.
πŸ‘ 4

Yu Guang: Why is it that I can't seem to attract the girls??

Wu Shi: ......

I clenched a steak knife tightly.

What if I just- stabbed Yu Guang, right now, in the throat?

How would that change things? Would the world be different?

Maybe it'd cause an even WORSE glitch, and cause the time god to descend sooner?

Wu Shi: Wait, no, if that would work, I wouldn't have to start with my own friends, would I?

I looked at the other students in the dining car.

I could push any one of them off the train while they weren't paying attention, and see if that would attract the time god's attention-

god damn it wu shi

Ji Hengsheng: Uh, Shi-chan?

Wu Shi: ....!!

Ji Hengsheng: Why are you... smiling like that at the other students?

I pushed myself away from the table, got up, and fled the dining car.

if there actually is a time god he's failing to get the attention of, i'll be so mad

Ji Hengsheng: Shi-chan?! Where are you going, Shi-chan?!

Deleted User
blessed be the time god

I wanted to throw up.

How could I think something like that?

How could I think, 'it doesn't matter if one of them dies'?

Unbidden, Se Yue's words came to me again.

The original fuel and the user of the time machine are destined to come into conflict.

Wu Shi: Haha...

Wu Shi: I thought I was fighting against the god of time.

Wu Shi: But that's not the case.

My greatest enemy in all of this... was myself.

oh my god
ok that's actually kinda clever
Deleted User
this is the only clever thing that I've read all night from these hack writers

That was why there was no need for new fuel to appear to force me to surrender.

Without the stimulation of life, I might as well have already been dead.

Maintaining the present state was the best, because no human could possibly endure such a cruel world as this.

Wu Shi: ...But, for those that I love, I have to endure- I can only endure.

I clenched my fist, and suppressed my nausea.

Can't let anyone figure out that I'm behaving unnaturally.

...It's still fine. I can explain all this away with bowel discomfort.

iiiiiunno about that one, shi-chan

Yes. Surely the world won't change because of this. Calm down.

Don't throw up. Don't scream. Don't behave abnormally.

Deleted User
is it sudden confession to ji time?
nope it's creepy despair face followed by more looping time
oooooo, two hundred loops. i doubt it's going to end here, which means i have officially underestimated!!
the location's a bit different though!
location and time.
for starters,
we're on top of the train again!
haven't been HERE in a while.
better not fall off the top of the train again and die horrifically!
wu shi, last scene: 'don't scream' NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW: WU SHI SCREAMS ON TOP OF THE TRAIN!
he scream a LOT!!!!
he, uh, also, smash hands against the roof of, the train. dude you're going to start a ghost story in this loop.
the story of the prisoners who were used by the cesium corporation in cruel inhuman experiments, haunting the train to get vengeance on the Se Family from beyond the grave.
at night they come out and climb the train and smash their hands against it while screaming, but are unable to enter because the Se family has reinforced the trains with devil magic or some shit like that.
πŸ‘» 1




If you converted that into linear time, that would be 400 days.

The 16th train car was completely coated in tallies at this point.

And for this whole year, the only stimuli I'd been exposed to was the same scene, over and over again.

The same people.

The same expressions.

The same conversations.

The same reactions.

The same developments.

Wu Shi: ...I wish something would change...

...Even if I made it out of this,

the person that made it out of this definitely wouldn't be Wu Shi anymore, would he?

weeee're getting moooore and moooore discombobulated!!
three hundred loops!!
Deleted User
his face will be frozen by now
no expressions
his voice will be at the same tone

Wu Shi: ...It's been... two years?

πŸŽ‚ 2
literally the next line in the story was 'his heart was frozen'.
congratulations on guessing the story's next line again!
...and, yep, his facial expressions are totally frozen up again
Deleted User
clearly I'm blessed by the time god
there's no reason he has to live out the same exact things is there
Wu Shi also mentions that he stopped talking to Qian Yuan after loop 50 or so, because he eventually gained such an intimate knowledge of the events of the loop that he was able to just steal the control crest himself without needing Qian Yuan to help do it for him.
Deleted User
he has to watch out for variables for "The Final Operation" to work
i ... guess
i thought he was just waiting for the time god to appear
Deleted User
I guess too

- was my superficial reasoning for no longer contacting Qian Yuan.

In reality, I was just afraid that she'd notice how far gone I was.

As someone who'd experienced the same kind of hell as this, I was afraid she'd give everything she had to stop my endless looping.


Wu Shi: What... am I struggling for?

After all this time I hadn't even managed to reach a corner of the god of time's robes.

yeah maybe because there is no such fucking thing as the god of time you dipshit

But I could always hear him, murmuring at my ears.

hey uh that's not good man
Deleted User
that's not a good sign pal
that's real bad

π–Œπ–Žπ–›π–Š π–šπ–•

π–Šπ–›π–Šπ–—π–žπ–™π–π–Žπ–“π–Œ π–œπ–Žπ–‘π–‘ π–‡π–Š π–Šπ–†π–˜π–Žπ–Šπ–— π–Žπ–‹ π–žπ–”π–š π–π–šπ–˜π–™ π–Œπ–Žπ–›π–Š π–šπ–•

π–žπ–”π–š π–œπ–Šπ–—π–Š π–“π–Šπ–›π–Šπ–— π–˜π–šπ–•π–•π–”π–˜π–Šπ–‰ 𝖙𝖔 π–˜π–šπ–—π–›π–Žπ–›π–Š π–†π–“π–žπ–œπ–†π–žπ–˜, π–˜π–” π–π–šπ–˜π–™ π–Œπ–Žπ–›π–Š π–šπ–•

the time god apparently murmurs in a different font!
Deleted User
πŸ™ 1
Wu Shi is so fucking far gone that he considers committing some murders, just, for fun, it's not like it matters since everything gets reset at the end of the loop anyways, and he needs to blow some steam off!
yo maybe you should get that checked out

Wu Shi: ...If this keeps going I really am going to turn into S aren't I.

no, see, at least S had the motive of saving you clear
you're just murdering for fun
Wu Shi's all like 'no man deep breaths keep it together just- give up your emotions and your expressions and monotone your way through things it'll be fine'
'let steam off by climbing to the top of the train and smashing your fists against the glass nonstop like you've been doing it's okay'
'also abandon your sense of self so that it doesn't hurt as much'

Abandon everything and become like the living dead-

Ji Hengsheng: Shi-chan!

Wu Shi: ....Eh?

hah, there goes your chances of saving the timeline ya dumbass
Deleted User

Ji Hengsheng: Ugh, you do NOT make yourself easy to find, hiding all the way up here. Took me forever to find you!

yeahhh girl
Deleted User

Wu Shi, With Absolutely No Sense Of Self-Awareness Or Irony: Eh?

This can't be possible.

My expressions and actions were all exactly the same as before.

dude you were literally staring at your classmates with obvious intent to murder in your eyes, like, over a hundred loops ago 'exactly the same as before' my ass

Also, it was 2AM. What was Hengsheng doing here? It was impossible.

Ji Hengsheng: Hnghhh... Hhhhrrrrrngh- damn, this climb's tough! Shi-chan, come on, give me a hand.

Wu Shi pulls her up because what was he gonna do c'mon. just leave her hanging there??
2am? absolutely impossible

Ji Hengsheng: Whoof. Wow! It sure is windy up here!

man my dude's sense of possibility has gotten really screwed up
if only se yue had this expression
that might make her actually competitive

Wu Shi: ...How'd you know I was up here?

Ji Hengsheng: I didn't! I looked for you all over the train.

Ji Hengsheng: I've been looking the whole night! I've been absolutely EVERYWHERE on this train. It took a spark of genius for me to think to check the TOP of the train, but it turned out exactly as I thought!

Ji Hengsheng: Ha ha hah! Please call me the Great Detective Ji Hengsheng, from now on.

Deleted User
Great Detective Ji Hengsheng at it again

Wu Shi: That... can't be right.

Ji Hengsheng: What can't be right? ...Oh, I knew calling myself a Great Detective was too much. How about we settle for Beautiful Detective, then?

Wu Shi: I- no.

Wu Shi: Did I do something strange in the dining car?

ji hengsheng: "well, shi-chan, you muttered under your breath the whole time about 'whether their flesh and blood would appease the hunger of the time god'. it was, uh. it was very unsettling!!"
i was very sad when i realized that last bit wasn't in the quote

Ji Hengsheng: Oh, no, nothing was weird.

Wu Shi: Then- my expressions were off?

Ji Hengsheng: Nah, your expressions were perfectly natural! Though your current expressions, hoooo boy.

Wu Shi: Then- why?!

Wu Shi: Why are you here?!

Ji Hengsheng: Shi-chan, you sure are talking funny. Should I not be here?

Wu Shi: Yes! Yes, you shouldn't be here! You weren't supposed to show up here and you weren't supposed to be able to find me!

ji hengsheng: "yeah well if you didn't want me to find you then you shouldn't have been smashing your hands against the glass ceiling while doing your best to imitate a hungry ghost trying to break into the train to wreak vengeance on the living, shi-chan."

Wu Shi: You have NO reason to be looking for me right now! You

Ji Hengsheng: Of course I do.

Ji Hengsheng: The reason was, I just felt like I wanted to see you!

Wu Shi: surprised-pβ–ˆkachu-face


Ji Hengsheng: The reason was, I just felt like I wanted to see you!


Ji Hengsheng: It's weird, but I just felt like I wanted to stay with you for a bit.

Ji Hengsheng: That's natural for family, though, isn't it?

Ji Hengsheng: I just wanted to see you and be with you!

Ji Hengsheng: Isn't that enough of a reason?

Wu Shi breaks down and has a big ol' cry.
Deleted User
Ji is just too cute

Ji Hengsheng: W- what's wrong, Shi-chan?! Why are you crying??

This place wasn't a static cage of time, and it wasn't just a procedural machine that only output predefined results based on predefined inputs.

The person before me was a living, breathing person.

Ji Hengsheng: Oh, no, you've hurt your hands! What a worrysome person.

Hengsheng got a scarf out from her things and started bandaging my wounds.

Wu Shi remembers what he's fighting for!

Wu Shi: What am I struggling for?

Wu Shi: How could I be so foolish as to forget?

I'm fighting... to make you happy...

Ji Hengsheng- possibly intentionally- interprets Wu Shi's crying as a response to the wounds he's sustained on his hands. Wu Shi Gains The Resolve To Fight On
fight, onnnnn, nipaaaaah
that said, just the resolve. he still doesn't, actually have, an actionable plan
and he's been beating his head against the wall of time for longer than S and Se Yue combined at this point.
and so we loop again. though the skips are slowing down! what a coincidence, that. looks like the story's picking up again
no more long loop-skips!
perhaps Things are about to Happen!

After that loop, things started to change.

Yu Guang: Why is it that I can't seem to attract the girls??

Wu Shi: ......

Ji Hengsheng: Oh come on, Yu Guang, you're plenty popular with the ladies.

Ji Hengsheng: Why, I'm sure your mother adores you.


Yu Guang: Look, don't even JOKE about classifying my mom inside the category of 'ladies', okay?

Ji Hengsheng: Oh, okay. How bout my mom then? She said you were adorable, that one time, remember?


Ji Hengsheng: Alright, let's change the topic, then!

The abrupt swerve left Yu Guang a little confused.

Ji Hengsheng: I just get the impression that Shi-chan's getting tired of this conversation, y'know?

Yu Guang: Did he say he wanted us to stop?

Ji Hengsheng: No, it's a type of feeling, y'get it? A feeling! Like the kind of vibe you get from the universe itself, when you're sunbathing naked in the middle of the street!

Yu Guang: I have NEVER done such a thing before! Don't act like such a bizarre behavior is something that just anybody would go and do!

β€œI’m going to tell you this now. The Se family rules only apply to the Se princess.” She points, and her voice, after everything, is still cheerful enough to be worth some pride. β€œThe Ji princess doesn’t need them at all!”

β€œ I your daughter or your wife in this scenario?”

β€œEither! Or neither. We’re an inclusive family. Kiss whichever members of it you like!” 

Se Yue goes slightly pink, and Ji Hengsheng giggles β€” a bit dizzily, motion-sick as she is from the jostling of the badly-secured special train car, but it’s still a right feeling, more than the grim inevitability or the sad little metaphysical nihilist party Se Yue's been throwing all this time. 

β€œBut the point is that you can ask me for help. Not just you-right-now-you, but every version of you I’ll ever meet is going to be family from this point on, whether or not she remembers why. And if a Se can’t ask for help, or make mistakes, or say she’s sorry, I’ll cultivate myself into a Ji who outclasses the Se in every way β€” and do all those things right to your face. Then you’ll be able to ask for all the help you want!”
πŸ₯° 3
oh my god you're actually doing it you're mad
mad in the extremely good way but still completely mad ahahaha
zero. i promised.
(i did not actually promise but i guess i'm doing it anyway)
welp u've promised now
yesssss avun!!!!!!!!!
After the last loop, Wu Shi resolved to be more honest with his friends. Somehow, this internal resolution results in Ji Hengsheng being- especially attuned to him. When Wu Shi wanted to change the subject, all he needed to do was wrinkle his forehead a bit or lower a brow a tiny degree some way, and Hengsheng would just somehow recognize what Wu Shi wanted and change the topic. or do something new. it's fucking telepathy. ji hengsheng has awakened to her cosmic powers. like, to be clear, wu shi hasn't actually told ji hengsheng what's going on.
she just somehow KNOWS.
she just somehow knows that she needs to help wu shi stave off boredom by Being Interesting.
which she is good at.
the subconscious thingy whatever
there is- no causal explanation for this, it's just a miracle.
ji hengsheng, with Superior Best Girl 5
Deleted User

Ji Hengsheng: Anyways, this is a rare opportunity, so I'd like to show the two of you my cooking skills!

Ji Hengsheng claimed an apron from one of the nearby Se family maids.

Yu Guang: ..Is that really necessary? I mean, look at all the delicacies piled up here.

Ji Hengsheng: I dunno, it feels like Shi-chan's kind of sick of them at this point.

Yu Guang: Are you kidding me? We've only just gotten on the train, and these are world-class delicacies! How could you already be tired of them?

Ji Hengsheng: Just let me try, okay? It's not like you don't know that I cook all the time.

okay let's take bets
outcome one: ji hengsheng's food is horrible, it's one of those 'the best girl can't cook' jokes
but wu shi still loves it just because it's not the same stuff as before
(guy started putting fucking capsaicin in his drink to spice his life up, you could present him with pig slop and he'd love it)
she apparently "cooks all the time"
outcome two: ji hengsheng's food is actually amazing
and wu shi falls completely in love with her all over again
which do you think is more likely, place your bets now
she's best girl so she's gonna have ballin' cooking
i'm a ji believer
πŸ‘ 2
Yu Guang claims that ji's food is way better than his mom's food! but given that it's yu guang, the punching bag of the story, it's possible that yu guang's mom is just EXCESSIVELY bad at cooking.

Wu Shi: ...Hah, so you noticed I was tired of all the extravagant delights after all.

Ji Hengsheng: Of course I did!

Ji Hengsheng: Just leave it to me! I'll show you just how talented I am at turning even the most expensive of ingredients into mundane homestyle cooking!

god this game has TRULY heard my prayers
this is actually exactly the right amount of ji hengsheng. i.e. the maximal amount
πŸ‘ 2
this is our reward for answering all the questions right
cola. and is that a fucking pancake
ji where did you get three hands
cola, pancake, sugar cube

Ji Hengsheng: So, you take your A5 Kobe Beef, and...

Ji Hengsheng: Sugar, salt, soy sauce, coca-cola...

Ji Hengsheng: Basically we're braising the meat.

Ji Hengsheng: No matter what kind of meat it is, it's always good when braised!

that's her `Friendship` hand


yu guang: `regret` wu shi: mm sippy. this is way better than mechanistically repeating my trauma over and over again until i snap and kill someone

Ji Hengsheng: And as for all this high-grade seafood...

Ji Hengsheng: We'll turn it into miso soup!


ji hengsheng on primordial feels right.
principle... let's say Family
:blue: Gatekeeper (`Family`)
safeguards and empowers her family of amoral time travelers

Ji Hengsheng: Aaaaand... truffles, foie gras, and caviar... Hm. These ones're tough! I've never worked with'em before.

Yu Guang: Of course. The three great delicacies of the world are far beyond the powers of your mere homestyle cooking-

Ji Hengsheng: Oh, I know, I'll do a curry!

Ji Hengsheng dropped these unbelievably expensive ingredients into a pot with a thonk-thonk-thonk, and then dropped in a bargain-brand supermarket curry block next to them.

Ji Hengsheng: If you don't know how to cook something, you can never go wrong with a curry!

god ji hengsheng you are going to make someone the happiest person ever someday and that someone is going to be wu shi who absolutely does not deserve you but he's a lucky son of a bitch who's getting you nonetheless, fuck
Se Yue is on Wounded Angle obviously


Ji is actually more of a gatecrasher sort of person but i think primordial is funnier.

Ji Hengsheng called over a nearby Se family maid who was watching her cooking process with a mildly concerned expression.

Ji Hengsheng: Hey, can we borrow a fridge for a moment?

Ji Hengsheng: After a curry's finished it's best to chill it immediately!

Yu Guang: ...Why?

Ji Hengsheng: Because curries taste best on the day after! Don't give me that look, I'm very particular when it comes to cooking.

yeah, breaking into a world of time loopers with your `Superior Disguises`...
πŸ’¦ 1
whaddabout wu shi
something silver?
are you kidding he doesn't get an arc
but yeah he's on Accursed actually
turns people into fuel with the power of his world breaker's hand

Yu Guang: ...Just how much longer is this demonic culinary exhibition going to continue??

Dude, why do you look like it's the end of the world?

I've been through 300 fucking loops and I don't look as forlorn as you do right now.

A while later...

Ji Hengsheng: It's done!

Our table was piled full of homestyle cooking made with possibly the most expensive ingredients in the world.

Ji Hengsheng: I'm very confident in these dishes!

Yu Guang: ...What kind of confidence, exactly?

Ji Hengsheng: I'm confident that no matter who comes to check them out, they'll never be able to imagine just how expensive the original ingredients for these dishes were!!

this is adorable
Deleted User
we did it, we reached the good ending

Ji Hengsheng: Well, eat up, you two! Don't worry, there's plenty of food!

Yu Guang: ...I don't want to admit it...

Yu Guang: ...But this is pretty good.

Yu Guang: Tastes homey.

Yu Guang: I don't know how you managed to get homeyness out of these ingredients but you sure did it.

I took a bite and shed a single tear of joy.

there was a panel of the two of them eating but, uh, it faded in like a second
and i didn't manage to catch it sadly.
don't worry we'll get it from the CGs menu later

Yu Guang: ...Why're you crying from just taking a bite, dude? It's not bad, man.

Ji Hengsheng: I didn't make the curry that spicy, did I?

man now i want some curry.
Deleted User
spice is life

Wu Shi: It's fine.

How could the two of them understand?

After two years, I'd finally had a meal with some warmth to it.

why couldnt he have done this at any point in those two years
he didn't want to Change The Timeline
"i will torment myself to the point where i consider murdering people for fun before i ask if yu guang has any games installed on his phone"
πŸ˜” 3
The loops continue like this- mostly the same, but whenever Wu Shi was feeling like he couldn't take it anymore, Ji Hengsheng would show up to help relieve his stress by finding something new to do.
Wu Shi wonders whether Ji Hengsheng has loop memories too, for a while, but eventually decides that can't be the case. Probably.
we already learned that """""deja vu""""" is a thing
Deleted User
(can't put enough quotes around that)
Deleted User
dON't DiStURb tHE TImEliNE
Bonfire scene!
Which goes EXACTLY as it's always gone-
except this time, after Se Yue announces the need to return to the train,
you can turn that off in settings fyi
πŸ‘ 1
"Text & Images > auto-convert emoji"

Ji Hengsheng: You've got some time still, right, Shi-chan?

Ji Hengsheng: Your expression feels like it's telling me that you'd like to chat a bit more.

As everyone started to head back to the Tour of Time, Ji Hengsheng pulled me aside.

Watching them return, it struck me just how happy everyone looked.

Countless couples had formed, this very night, and everyone seemed reluctant to leave the bonfire behind.

Even Qian Yuan and Yu Guang were hanging around each other.

When you saw it that way, the idea of staying in this moment forever- wasn't so bad, wasn't it?

Everyone was so joyful, right here and now.

Deleted User
Ji and Wu in a tree

Wu Shi: Hengsheng?

Ji Hengsheng: Mm?

Wu Shi: What do you think happiness is?

Ji Hengsheng: Well, I feel pretty happy right now!

Like it was an everyday conversation, Hengsheng answered my question mildly.

Ji Hengsheng: I'm enjoying a pleasant cruise with you, and Yu Guang's here too. I think that's enough to be happy about.

Wu Shi: Mmmm.

Deleted User

Ji Hengsheng pulled a thermos and some cups from her purse, poured some hot tea, handed it to me, and then poured herself a cup as well.

Wu Shi: Then, hypothetical question.

Wu Shi: If, someday, you knew I only had three days left to live, what would you do?

Ji Hengsheng: Haha... Since when did you ask questions like that, Shi-chan? You sound like a girl in the middle of their crystals-and-horoscopes phase.

i mean
he is
he is that
πŸ‘ 3

Wu Shi: Eh, it's a conversation starter.

Ji Hengsheng: Why would you only have three days left to live? A disease?

Wu Shi: Just pretend that I made a contract with some kind of powerful deity from who knows where.

Ji Hengsheng: A contract? What could you get with a contract for your life?

An unending pause is what.

Wu Shi: Look, it's not important, the point is, after the contract, I've only got three days to live.

Ji Hengsheng: So can you go back on the contract?

Wu Shi: Nope, I've only got three days left. Can't change it.

Ji Hengsheng: Whaaaaaaat. What's the point of the question, then?

Ji Hengsheng: Well I guess if that's the way it is then I've only got one answer.

Hengsheng took a long sip of her cup of tea before continuing.

Ji Hengsheng: I'd find that same deity and go and make the same contract with them.

Wu Shi: ...Why?

Ji Hengsheng: So they could change my lifespan to just three days long as well, duh.

Wu Shi: ...Is there a point to that?

Ji Hengsheng: Because that's the only way I could really stay with you, Shi-chan.

Wu Shi: But for something like that, sacrificing decades of your future life-

Ji Hengsheng: Hey, don't call it 'something like that'. That's what happiness is for me.

Ji Hengsheng: Rather than spend those last three days with you worrying about the decades to come without you, and then spending those decades regretting losing you, I might as well just spend the last three days wholeheartedly with you and not have anything to regret!

we tried that
it was very sad
try again ji
u canstill live a happy life
cause u got fun in you
u can meet someone else

Ji Hengsheng: That's what happiness is for me.

Wu Shi: .....Damn.

Wu Shi: I guess I lose.

maybe a mysterious white haired girl
🀑 1
loops in the future (but not many)
ah damn
we passed loop 420
In the most recent loops, Wu Shi and Ji Hengsheng have taken to staying behind to chat with each other, at the bonfire. Mostly about random irrelevant things, according to Wu Shi.
we love a random irrelevant thing

Ji Hengsheng: That which is called the non-ordinary must be transient.

Wu Shi: Surprisingly deep of you. What makes you say that?

Ji Hengsheng: Just a stray thought.

Ji Hengsheng pointed at the bonfire.

Ji Hengsheng: A tour like this is so expensive that there's countless people in the world who wish they could be here right now.

Ji Hengsheng: But if it continues without stop, then even the most extraordinary thing will become ordinary life.


It's been three years.

I've practically forgotten what my original home looks like at this point.

To the present me, the Tour of Time is more of a home to me than anything else.


Ji Hengsheng: As for me, I've always dreamed of having a home, since I was young.

Wu Shi: I know.

Ji Hengsheng: I guess- this is probably because I really respect and love my parents? There's nothing special about them. Their only outstanding virtue is that they're homemakers.

Hengsheng's parents were like her- people filled with the warmth of familial love.

Ji Hengsheng: My mother once told me that the most extraordinary dream was to dream of being an ordinary person, and I've always agreed with her.

Ji Hengsheng: Shi-chan, why is it that, when the timeframes are stretched long enough, even the most extraordinary things become commonplace, do you think?

Wu Shi: Well, because we get used to'em.

Ji Hengsheng: That's one of the reasons, but I think the more crucial reason is that-

Ji Hengsheng: Humans are only capable of surviving in what they perceive as the ordinary.

Wu Shi: Hm.

Ji Hengsheng: The definition of 'ordinary' is 'something which won't cause you to be unhappy no matter how long you stretch it out for'.

For me, I supposed, the 'ordinary' was the time I spent with Hengsheng.

After I had her to keep me company, the endless loops didn't seem so unbearable after all.

(translator's note: the word i'm translating as 'ordinary' here is also, directly, the term for the trope/genre 'slice of life')
pastoral, maybe
yeah pretty much
that's what ji hengsheng's getting at
she's saying that sooner or later your life becomes a pastoral narrative, or else you'll find it unbearable, and that pastoral narratives are the only long-term stable way to live
i guess we know what color her arcs are lol
ji "purple is best, wait what do you mean i'm on blue" hengsheng
what are these colors referencing
Wu Shi asks Hengsheng about how she'd feel if she were trapped in the Tour of Time and forced to relive the same three days over and over. She answers in a way Wu Shi doesn't expect.

Ji Hengsheng: I'd probably be very happy!

Ji Hengsheng: After all, once you live it long enough, even the extraordinary becomes ordinary.

Ji Hengsheng: And once that moment comes, the Tour of Time will become my home.

Ji Hengsheng: And in that home, my companion will be you, Shi-chan.

Ji Hengsheng: That's all I've ever asked for from life, really.

chuubo's marvelous wish-granting engine, a tabletop system
i believe AW mentioned it in worth the candle once
chuubos has arc colors which correspond to different narrative arcs that characters can undertake, which is the main core of gameplay replacing other paradigms like advancements or levelups
it's a whole thing that would take far longer to explain than i have room for in this margin
but me and np and farn reference it, all the time
Wu Shi decides... that he understands what he's doing, now.

You've lost, God of Time.

Despite all your power, in the end, you couldn't defeat Hengsheng.

No matter how many times I repeat this time, I feel like I won't mind it anymore.

Because I'm just keeping Hengsheng company, and helping her fulfill her dream, that's all.

y'know, your body doesn't age. it might be possible that you're just immortal now within the limited time-loop here.

As long as I understand this in my heart, then I'll be able to continue to journey on, forever.

i- this feels like.. a ji hengsheng ending
like this has the narrative taste of an ending
but it's not
we loop again, scene fades to white,
and we... apparently just stop keeping track of loops.
i mean, why would we, if we've decided we're just going to stay here??
that decision point where you had to pick 'who is going to save us' really didn't make much sense
it really didn't!!
also i think i am going to cut it here because
despite wanting to finish this ending in a single go
this has run on
really long
and this is a reasonable time to cut
i get the impression we've heard all of ji hengsheng's side and now the game is about to throw se yue back at us.
that's what i would do if i were the writer.
so next time we're going to continue with this again!
all right
thanks for translating!
Deleted User
thanks mate
zero your translation skills are so unreasonably good
like. holy shit.
thank you again this has made this game aeons more enjoyable then it has any right to be
It’s rated 96% on steam
Wu shi should pick up a hobby. He could probably get really good at, like, juggling, or portrait sketching, or whatever, over a few years spent in the hyperbolic time railroad.
β€œHaving to use the Tour of Time… means I’ve failed as the Se heiress. Either I continue to betray my principles β€” and, incidentally, admit I’ve made a mistake so monumental I need to fracture time endlessly to rectify it β€” or I give up, admit all my efforts were in vain, and find someone more competent to man the helm. In this case, you, Ji Hengsheng.

You know, I’ve never thought jumping off a building would be particularly freeing? It’s not as if you can swim around in the air. You’re at the mercy of gravity until you land.” Her laughter is appalling. β€œBut admitting I’ve failed, that I’m a failed instance of the arrangement of matter called Se Yue… it’s as liberating as falling isn’t.”
πŸ’œ 6
please keep doing this
Tomorrow is the big day, i’ve fucking decided. I’m going to play rail of mobius until the game ends or i pass out from exhaustion first thing in the morning on saturday.
I am going to fucking get this thing DONE.
πŸ‘ 3
I Will Be There
ooh, that oughta keep me entertained at the airport
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
Where are you going? :o
But yeah I am sure it will be MEMORABLE
Rhode Island- going up there to beat Ji Hengsheng to the punch and buy a house
πŸ˜‚ 2
Chaos' Crowl Kanigami
I had rzther beat Jing Hengsheng with a punch
😒 1
What kind of monster would do that
I can't believe Benedict is STEALING potential houses from best girl ji hengsheng
aaaaalright i am properly up and out of bed and not lazing around pretending i'm not asleep anymore
lemme get some breakfast and then i'm going to get this thing properly started
well we know what kind of monster would beat ji hengsheng with a flying kick at least, so there's your point of comparison (it's se yue)
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